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Posts Tagged: 'c:+marlene+wentworth'

Dec. 4th, 2019



Stress Level: High
Free Time: Zero

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and went "Yeah, I look good"? Do you appreciate women that have a lot of self-confidence? Do you enjoy charity events? Are you single? (That last one is important.)

If yes to all of these, or even just 3 out of 4 (though once again, last one is important.), I have an opening for Charity Gala Arm Candy. I don't mind going solo, god knows it's not the first time, I just like having someone pretty to smile at the cameras with me and fetch me champagne and tell me I look sexy and to clap when I make a speech. The ability to hold a conversation is a bonus but not a requirement.


Oh and congrats to Eli for his Forbes 30 under 30, again. You fucking brat.

Dec. 3rd, 2019



I have always lived in relatively large cities -- St. Louis for eighteen years, then Chicago for nearly ten. (Please don't do that math. I'm in denial over leaving my mid-twenties.) I've now been in this small town for about a month and here are my observations.

1. Two neighbors have come over in the span of the last three hours to bring me a casserole and a pie.
2. I got to explain to both of them that the man I live with is my brother and not some variation of a life partner (gross). One of them proceded to very casually (aka not at all casually) slip into conversation that they have a single grandson. The other let me know that they have a single daughter, in case my brother is single. (Gabe, I'm preparing your dowry as I type.)
3. All of these things happened while I was in pajamas.
4. The Dreamery has amazing ice cream and I keep eating it.

I realize that 3/4 of these observations happened only today, but I feel as though the encapsulate just how incredibly different living in this town is compared to anywhere else I've lived. I didn't even know the names of my neighbors in my building in Chicago. Now I not only know the names of neighbors down the block, but I know which of their family members are being sold off to newcomers. I also know that people really love putting walnuts in brownies around here, because today's casserole and pie are only the tip of the iceburg of food that we've collected since officially moving in. I should probably stop getting takeout and actually eating some of this so we have room in the freezer for the pints of ice cream I keep buying.

That said, Dunhaven has been lovely and I'm still a little bit in love.

Two things. I want to go to that fancy sounding party that we got an invite to. It's hanging on the fridge. You should come with me.

Second thing, I have a crush on a librarian and Jesus, Mary, and Joseph if that isn't the most stereotypically Esther Shaw thing I have ever admitted to.

Okay, I lied. Three things. How are you?

Nov. 27th, 2019



I didn't watch the AMA's because, you know, studying. But I just watched Taylor Swift's performance and while it's all great, the last song about did me in. The song itself, but the dancing. Misty Copeland's dancing career is basically the reason I've told myself I could do ballet despite never growing past 5'1". She is so amazing.

And if that's not enough ballet for you, tickets are on sale now for the Nutcracker at the university! Shows are December 13-15 and it's my last go as the Sugar Plum Fairy before I graduate and have to be an adult, so you should all probably come. 😊

Nov. 26th, 2019



instagram post! )



Hello, five day weekend. I've been anticipating your arrival.

In celebration of the start of my weekend and the holiday season being in full swing, I decided to try to do an activity of sorts. I'm very good at activities. It's why they let me be a guidance counselor. I'm kidding, mostly. But, I saw this and, please forgive the spelling error, but I thought it would be a nice one to pump up some positive vibes before I eat an entire turkey and all the mashed potatoes.

As for me, I would have been 22 and living in Ithaca, basically funding my Psychology degree with a football scholarship. I hated playing football (yes, I know that I coach it now at the high school, but that's different and I love it because of the kids) despite being good at it, but I sort of figured that the talent meant that I had to play it forever. The fact that I'm not playing it now would make 22-year-old me pretty happy, though maybe less happy about the injury, surgeries, and ability to tell when it's going to rain thanks to my shoulder, like some kind of old man.

Also, my mind would also absolutely be blown over the fact that I'm going to be marry Stella King, of all people. (No one tell her that she is and always has been out of my league, okay?)

Okay, you guys next. Hit me.

Nov. 25th, 2019




Belated on this, but Friendsgiving? Maybe on Saturday? Unless someone else wants to host, my moms are going to be out of town over the weekend, so we could do it at their house, so long as no one tries to microwave the turkey.

Nov. 21st, 2019



Instagram Post )

Nov. 20th, 2019



instagram post! )

Nov. 17th, 2019



What is everyone reading/listening to/watching these days? I'm looking for some good recommendations.

If I planned a Friendsgiving type Brunch and a holiday party with a gift exchange, how many of you would be interested?

Mom assigned me to bring sweet potatoes to Thanksgiving dinner this year. Anyone want to swap?

Hey you. What are you up to?



Today has been a battle of Disney + versus Football. Guess who won out?

How's Oliver doing?

What do you all want for Christmas this year? Trying to get a head start on shopping so I don't have another debacle like last year.

Also, meant to tell you. Got my first dreams right before I left for Florida. And another one while I was there.

Nov. 8th, 2019



Instagram Post )

Nov. 4th, 2019



For whoever needs it today.



T-minus two weeks until the Norfolk-Salazar house will be complete. Then one month to get everything moved and ready for the newest Salazar. And then Christmas.

[...] Where did this year go?

Are you guys content with your place or have you considered looking elsewhere or somewhere larger?

Nov. 3rd, 2019



Halloween is usually our craziest night of the year, and this one was no different. But next year is supposed to be a Saturday, full moon and the clocks go back?

Is it too early to plan a vacation for that week? Because I'm filled with dread. If the high school plans their homecoming for that day, let me know and I can full on train to be Buffy.

Nov. 1st, 2019



Attention, everyone!

Starting tomorrow, Stella's will have a new special dish on the menu called the #fiance. It consists of spicy chicken and cheddar waffle sliders with jalapeno jam. Add a narwhal-shaped pastry on the side for a truly special meal that is both savory and sweet. And delicious, just like my man, Everett Marshall.

And a quick shout-out to one of my other favorite local haunts, The Pourhouse, where you can end your day with my favorite, the Soon-to-Be Stella Marshall, aka the jalapeno mojito. (I just made that up so you should probably just ask for a jalapeno mojito.)


Oct. 29th, 2019



I heard it was something about National Cat Day. By heard I mean I stumbled upon the outreach from the shelter downtown and adopted a cat.

At least, I think she's a cat? Maybe part mouse. It may take time to grow into her ears.

Anyway, this is Gooseberry.

Cat for Image )

Oct. 27th, 2019



instagram post! )

Oct. 25th, 2019



Instagram Post! )

Oct. 24th, 2019



Delivery for Marlene Wentworth )

Oct. 21st, 2019



Instagram Post! )