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Posts Tagged: 'c:+kiera+malone'

Jun. 1st, 2019



Are you busy?

I mean, I know you're probably really busy setting stuff up or cleaning or whatever else to get ready for Tuesday and I'll be over to help later, I swear, but [...] do you have a second?

May. 30th, 2019



I'm feeling the need for some karaoke this weekend. Who's with me?

May. 26th, 2019



Oh look. Another social media platform I can forget about for months at a time.

For now though, I am officially tired of unpacking and deserve a break, so here goes nothing.

Hello, Dunhaven. My name is Mariela Rodriguez and I'm your newest resident. I'm a recent transplant from New York and moved here to take a position with Buckley and Wolfe law firm.

It's quite the town you all have here. I'm looking forward to getting to know it better.

-- Hi, it's Mari.
-- I don't know if you're still living in Dunhaven or not, but I figured I owed it to you to let you know I'm in town.

May. 25th, 2019



WHO: Kiera Malone → Killian Jones
WHEN: Afternoon of May 25
WHERE: The radio station
SUMMARY: Killian is getting ready to set sail for a new destination and Kiera can't help but think it sounds familiar.

'What's our port of destination?' )

May. 22nd, 2019



((ooc: as usual, please handwave that the lovely and talented musician in the video below is Benjy. And please check out the artists other videos because he's wonderful.))

This one's for you, Henry Mills.

Make me a believer.

I've got my last final tomorrow morning, then I'm done. Camping trip to celebrate this weekend?

May. 19th, 2019



I really appreciate that you two have given up so much of the last couple of weeks to check in and care for me and bring me into your homes when I needed you the most. So I just wanted to say again that I love you both, and you were just what I needed tonight.

Probably GOT Spoilers on post )

Apr. 23rd, 2019



I have an idea. And maybe the first part of the idea is to admit to you that I'm sharing memories with someone I thought was fictional. Lily Evans Potter lives in my head. I think by now it's probably a reality that most of us on the network (and maybe in the town?) have these memories. It isn't up to me to understand why. That's not my thing.

What I'd like to do is give you a spot to tell your story. I'm a writer -- honestly, I'm just a really bad unpublished poet -- but I spend my day taking care of my parents. We've got a really big living room. There's space out back. What I'm proposing is something akin to a writer's salon. You could come over, no questions asked. We'd have set times where we could gather.

You can talk to people? But most of all, you can write down your experiences. We can collect them physically or on GoogleDocs. I'm a democratic soul and am happy to take a straight up vote. But what I really want to get down to is by telling our stories, we might help other people. We might make it easier for them to live with these memories and emotions inside them. What I'm thinking (and hoping) is that this is meant to connect us. So, instead of living with trauma and I don't know ... shame? We can work it out together.

Would anyone be interested? Or should I shut up forever?

Anonymous thoughts and commenters welcome!

Apr. 17th, 2019



Note: The parents were not very amused when I asked if the USC scandal is shedding light on how I got in. 🙃 And I wonder why they seem to have a general demeanor of exasperation around me at all times.

I wanted to give some space, but it's proven to be too much and I'm breaking down. How are you doing, D?

Mar. 28th, 2019



instagram post! )

Mar. 24th, 2019



ICYMI, Friday morning's interview with Dunhaven's own Wolves of Winter is now up and streaming on the website. I'll let you decide who was more starry-eyed: me, or Kiera?

What's a song that you always have to get up and dance to, no matter where you are or what you're doing?

Mar. 21st, 2019



Hope Marie, you are four days away from being a month old and you've already become the light of my life. For once in my life, I have no words to really express just how much I love you, or how much I love how much your mom loves you. A year ago, I never thought I'd be here. Six months ago, I wasn't sure I'd be here, either, but here we are and you are the best thing I have ever done. ❤️

cut for image! )

Mar. 18th, 2019



Hi. Good morning.

Do you guys talk to Eve and Max about your dreams?

Mar. 8th, 2019



instagram post! )

Feb. 25th, 2019



-- Em's having the baby



Hi, good morning. No big deal but which of you is currently closest to my house?

Feb. 24th, 2019



instagram post! )

Feb. 1st, 2019



[posted at like 5AM when she first gets to work]

Good morning.

Jan. 31st, 2019



WHO: Emilia Lyon & Kiera Malone
WHEN: Thursday, January 31, 2018; Evening
WHERE: Emilia’s place
SUMMARY: Emilia and Kiera make a big decision about raising a baby :3
WARNINGS: None, really.

We'll figure it all out, you and me. I promise. )

Jan. 27th, 2019



Any chance you can take off early tomorrow? I have something I want to show you.

EVE, KIERA, DANIELLE, NOAH; after talking to Eve
Hey, random(ish) question, but would any of you be interested in sharing a big house with Eve and me?

Jan. 16th, 2019



instagram post! )