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Posts Tagged: 'c:+danielle+drake'

Aug. 3rd, 2019



Instagram Post! )

Jul. 17th, 2019



instagram post! )

Jul. 1st, 2019



HELLO, Dunhaven. Several things:

1. Despite my reservations, we returned from Ireland. You're welcome, Noah.

2. Due to higher education calling one of us away, we have an open spot in our D&D group! Though we can continue on as we are, I wanted to see if anyone might be interested in filling this opening. Right now is a good time to get involved in regards to the campaign; we've been sort of on hiatus thanks to wedding/E3/honeymoon taking up most of June and when we start up again we'll be sort of diving into a new leg of adventure, so it would be easy to incorporate someone new. What more, we're going to take advantage of the two famous geeks in our midst and start recording our sessions for podcast format and potential livestreaming. If you're comfortable with that, are available Tuesday evenings, and want to get involved in a group with some truly amazing and creative players (their DM is just so-so, really 😉), let me know and we can chat!

3. This is old news, but as I've been away it might not have been obvious, but I have ended my time working at Roll of the Die. I had been working there since I moved to Dunhaven in 2015, but it's just gotten hard juggling the weekend hours with everything else I've had going on and it seems like a sign. I will probably still hang around during tournaments and will be leading some D&D sessions, but strictly on a volunteer basis.

4. Yui's gotcha day was while we were honeymooning, so to celebrate now, here is a picture that I took today of us looking super cool as we came home from the dog park. Cut for image! )

Jun. 28th, 2019



For everyone who's received more than they bargained for with these dreams, have you only gotten bits and pieces of these "extra" things, or all of it? Sorry [...] I know this is vague.

Jun. 26th, 2019



For those of you out there that have been through this already...what do you do in the After? I mean...when there are no more dreams and you know everything that there is to know? What happens then? Do you still dream? Do you repeat? Do they just...leave you?

Jun. 25th, 2019



instagram post! )

Jun. 12th, 2019



Hi, friends.

It's been a long while since we've done one of these and, though I no longer need the data for my sociology class, I do think they've been very productive in terms of discussion. So here's another anonymous post for you! Again, you can turn on the anon filter and no one will know who you are, or you can just respond as yourself, whether because you're not ready to reveal who you're dreaming about, or whatever the case may be.

Tonight's question is: If you could say something to someone you knew/know in your dream world that you can't say here for whatever reason, what would it be?

May. 26th, 2019



Oh look. Another social media platform I can forget about for months at a time.

For now though, I am officially tired of unpacking and deserve a break, so here goes nothing.

Hello, Dunhaven. My name is Mariela Rodriguez and I'm your newest resident. I'm a recent transplant from New York and moved here to take a position with Buckley and Wolfe law firm.

It's quite the town you all have here. I'm looking forward to getting to know it better.

-- Hi, it's Mari.
-- I don't know if you're still living in Dunhaven or not, but I figured I owed it to you to let you know I'm in town.

May. 20th, 2019



cut for possible spoilers? but spoilers likely in comments )

[Public, added later]
Note to self: Eating a dozen cupcakes is a terrible idea on a good day. 🙃

May. 19th, 2019



I really appreciate that you two have given up so much of the last couple of weeks to check in and care for me and bring me into your homes when I needed you the most. So I just wanted to say again that I love you both, and you were just what I needed tonight.

Probably GOT Spoilers on post )

May. 14th, 2019



text to danielle, cut for got spoilers )

May. 13th, 2019



cut just in case anything sounds like got spoilers )

May. 12th, 2019



I know today is a busy day, but I'd there any chance I could steal a few minutes of your afternoon? I'll come bearing food-type gifts and Happy Mother's Day tidings!

So I thought today might be the most opportune time to tell you all my news, for multiple reasons. Partly because I don't know what's coming tonight, or next week, and I'd like to take back Sundays with something good. And, of course, today is a good day for this, in general.

Because my news is that Eli and I are having a baby. We just found out this week and I'm not that far along (we're due in December!), so I probably should have waited to tell you, but I want to remember today as the day I got to share something special with my new second family.

Anyway, that's all I have for you! I thought about waiting until most of us were together tonight, but I know not everyone will be there. There were other reasons for choosing to do it this way, too, but I think those reasons are mostly obvious to all of us.

I'll see most of you tonight, and I'm glad it's with the knowledge that, no matter what happens, good things are coming. Good things are going to come for all of us. ❤️

May. 6th, 2019



Delivery to Danielle )

Apr. 30th, 2019



WHO: Danielle Drake
WHEN: Backdated, Sunday April 28th, after 10:30pm.
WHERE: Dunhaven neighborhoods
SUMMARY: Danielle reflects on the latest episode of GOT.
PROMPT: Throne

As it was, she felt like she was splitting at the seams. )

Apr. 17th, 2019



Note: The parents were not very amused when I asked if the USC scandal is shedding light on how I got in. 🙃 And I wonder why they seem to have a general demeanor of exasperation around me at all times.

I wanted to give some space, but it's proven to be too much and I'm breaking down. How are you doing, D?

Apr. 16th, 2019



I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to look into the gap between what I've seen and what's currently being shown on TV. I don't know if that will look like me watching the show or just looking online, though probably more the second because we're coming to the end of the semester and I need some focus to be on my classes. But I wanted to say something in case that made anyone uncomfortable. I don't want to delve into anyone's life that wouldn't want me to.
Would you want to maybe hang out sometime? I don't know if that's It's okay if you don't

Mar. 27th, 2019



For those of you who've taken a [...] unique interest in Game of Thrones, I'm going to be offering my living room up on Sunday nights beginning April 14 to those of you who want to be surrounded by like-minded people for support. I say this publicly for two reasons: 1) in case there is anyone out there that I haven't already met who shares this unique interest with me, and 2) so everyone else will stop including me in Final Season Brackets on group chats on Facebook (or anywhere else, for that matter).

Feel free to message me privately if you'd rather not RSVP or discuss publicly.

Mar. 25th, 2019



Hey, Danielle. I was wondering if you would mind talking to me about something, maybe give me some advice? I'll preface it by adding that this is largely about Theresa, so I would understand if that would make you uncomfortable and you'd rather not.
So, I'm in love with Tessa.

Mar. 18th, 2019



Hi. Good morning.

Do you guys talk to Eve and Max about your dreams?