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Posts Tagged: 'c:+connor+reed'

Aug. 16th, 2019



A few months ago I posted a lovey-dovey video that one of my classmates put together for our psych class with a bunch of married couples talking about when they knew they were in love with their partner. She did another one, this time just for fun, with some other footage from when she did the interviews and she sent it my way because my grandparents are in it (57 years). This time they talk about first kisses, which is all very sweet and can be seen here.

Like last time, I feel like I need to open up the stage for some further warm fuzzies and possible amusing stories to be spread around. So tell me about a first kiss, Dunhaven at large. It could be with your current partner or maybe your very first kiss, if yours wasn't with your current partner. I'm so over packing right now and just want to hear some stories. 🥰

Aug. 13th, 2019



I don't want to alarm anyone, but




Anyone want their car detailed? I'll come to wherever--work or home--and detail it for you, top to bottom! Let me know if you want more info. 😊

Would you want to go into DC with me this weekend for ArtRave? It's basically like a local artist/designer/crafter fair with a farmer's market and local foods.

I'm probably going to spend either Saturday or Sunday in DC with Connor, so I was going to see if maybe you'd want to do something just the two of us on Friday night?

Aug. 11th, 2019



WHO: Sofia Nichols & Connor Reed
WHEN: Sunday, August 11, 2019; Late Evening
WHERE: University of Dunhaven
SUMMARY: Sofia's getting supplies for her pity party and ends up finding an unexpected guest of honor.
WARNINGS: None, really. Discussion of the symptoms of BPD.

When it comes to you, I promise there's no other choice but to be here. )

Aug. 3rd, 2019



posted at midnight on 8/3

instagram post! )

Jul. 28th, 2019



Anyone interested in taking an impromptu beach trip with me today? I'm feeling spontaneous.

Jul. 23rd, 2019



I don't always agree with the internet, but in this case? I do. I very much do. I will accept Wrecking Ball, but I need more info on this barefoot wonder.

That delightful introduction aside, let's talk dreams -- emphasis required. Do we know where they come from and should we be concerned if they draw strange parallels from one's actual life? Any chance they're just dreams -- no emphasis -- if they're similar? Just throwing it out there?




Jul. 19th, 2019




Jul. 16th, 2019



I'm just going to leave this here.

I know that I haven't really talked about it, but I started having weird Dunhaven dreams a handful of weeks back.
I know this probably isn't the professional way to do this, but do you have openings sometime in the nearish future where I could possibly book you for a tattoo?

Jul. 9th, 2019



instagram post! )

Jul. 5th, 2019



Cut for images! )

None of those pieces of beauty are by me, of course. But speaking as the girl who legitimately cried when she met Tiana at Magic Kingdom when she was 18-years-old (just ask Beau; this is a thing that happened), I have been over the moon since this was announced. I am just so happy. I just want my future babies to see all the representation, so let's keep this going. 🙋🏽‍♀️🙌🏽

Jul. 4th, 2019



Last 4th of July, the sound of all the fireworks set off Haymitch's PTSD really badly and I had a public meltdown. So I just wanted to check on all of you, to make sure everyone is going to be okay today, and that you'll have someone with you in case things get difficult.

I won't be at the fireworks tonight, but breakfast tomorrow morning?

Jun. 28th, 2019



Well, here I am world* 🙋🏾‍♂️ You're welcome

* I am not actually a vampire irl and the guy I dream of is not actually black, so I guess fair point OP.

Jun. 21st, 2019



-- Happy bday

Jun. 3rd, 2019



Okay, time to call in the cavalry. I need your help doing something totally crazy and ridiculous, but also not illegal. Probably. There my be some copyright laws in there somewhere but whatever.

Apr. 28th, 2019



I know it's late, but I just want to drive out of Dunhaven and stop at the first all-night diner and eat pie and drink coffee until [...] some as of yet undetermined time. Is anyone free to go with me?

ELI; added later on Monday afternoon
Hey. [...] Is Caty going to be around this evening, again? It's totally fine if she is, obviously, I was just [...] wondering if we could.

[OOC: *Warning for maybe potential spoilers for Endgame and/or GoT? Nothing really as of right now, but just putting it out there, just in case. This post is dark and full of spoilers. ♥]

Apr. 23rd, 2019



I have an idea. And maybe the first part of the idea is to admit to you that I'm sharing memories with someone I thought was fictional. Lily Evans Potter lives in my head. I think by now it's probably a reality that most of us on the network (and maybe in the town?) have these memories. It isn't up to me to understand why. That's not my thing.

What I'd like to do is give you a spot to tell your story. I'm a writer -- honestly, I'm just a really bad unpublished poet -- but I spend my day taking care of my parents. We've got a really big living room. There's space out back. What I'm proposing is something akin to a writer's salon. You could come over, no questions asked. We'd have set times where we could gather.

You can talk to people? But most of all, you can write down your experiences. We can collect them physically or on GoogleDocs. I'm a democratic soul and am happy to take a straight up vote. But what I really want to get down to is by telling our stories, we might help other people. We might make it easier for them to live with these memories and emotions inside them. What I'm thinking (and hoping) is that this is meant to connect us. So, instead of living with trauma and I don't know ... shame? We can work it out together.

Would anyone be interested? Or should I shut up forever?

Anonymous thoughts and commenters welcome!

Apr. 20th, 2019



instagram post! )

Apr. 17th, 2019



Note: The parents were not very amused when I asked if the USC scandal is shedding light on how I got in. 🙃 And I wonder why they seem to have a general demeanor of exasperation around me at all times.

I wanted to give some space, but it's proven to be too much and I'm breaking down. How are you doing, D?