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Posts Tagged: 'c:+juliet+hart'

Dec. 31st, 2019



Instagram Post )

Dec. 29th, 2019



cw: sucky parents abandoning their kid )

Dec. 25th, 2019



instagram post! )

Dec. 9th, 2019



I haven't followed pageant anything in years, but seeing this made me happy. Black girl magic, indeed.

Hey Hi Sorry to both Hey. I don't know how in tune you are to this network, but I just wanted to let you know that two of my sisters are here in town. One is staying at least through the holidays, the other is going to be going to the college in town. Just wanted to give you a head's up, in case you see them around.

Also, I wanted to figure out Christmas. Just let me know what you have planned and I'll work around it. We usually Oh and I can't remember if I mentioned it, though I'm sure Ella has, but she's in the Nutcracker this weekend, if you needed tickets.

I know I could have just told you this I'm sorry if I just Anyway, that was it.

Dec. 8th, 2019



Dunhaven has its own little social network and I think that's probably the cutest techy thing I've ever heard of. I'll try to make good use of it while I'm here visiting my sisters for the next few months or so. Just in time for Christmas. How is the holiday down here in Virginia? Events? Things to see around town?

Oh, hi, I'm Tori. Tori English. Hello new neighbors.

Dec. 5th, 2019



[Texts to Jules Hart]
Hey big sister
There any places down there with six month leases or so?
Kinda taking a break from work and thought I'd stay nearby

[Texts to Syl English] [afterwards]
Hey little sister
Jules says you're in town for some reason. I'll be there in a few hours, tell me everything!

Dec. 4th, 2019



My baby girl Ella came home today with two A+ tests and an art project that has officially covered the living room with glitter and I could not be more proud. She is so much smarter than I ever was at her age and I very much look forward to my that genius ballerina gymnast taking over the world.

Were you planning on going to that Salazar charity event? If you were, you won't need me for it, right?

Nov. 30th, 2019



man this community thing really wastes no time in getting you all on the network grid, does it? I'm only complaining if they put me on some watch list or something (more than my google search results do??), because it actually kind of helps me out.

I'm Syl, i'm new, starting school here soon. anybody know Juliet Hart? Jules, i guess, idk. i don't know much just that she lives here and works for the famous clothing people.

Nov. 25th, 2019



I have been going over and over this in my head since that girl posted the thing about the dreams. Your friend did burn me, didn't she? When I told you I thought she'd done something, I wasn't crazy, was I?

Nov. 23rd, 2019



instagram post! )

Nov. 18th, 2019



Based on the conversation we had on here recently, I compiled a list of everyone who is Dreaming--both public and anonymously. Out of respect for your interests, I only included those who specifically commented to be included on the list. In addition to compiling the list, I have also put together a semi-brief document for those who have questions about these Dreams since we continue to have a lot of newcomers who are otherwise unprepared for when these Dreams hit...or are just super confused by at the talk of Dreams on this network.

The resource (which includes the list of Dreamers) can be found here.

I wanted to go ahead an open this post up, as well, for anyone who wants to add their User ID (public or anonymous) to this list, or potentially update their information on the list. I only included Sources that have been discussed publicly on this network, regardless of whether or not I was familiar with a Source existing here. So for anyone listed as Not Disclosed, it is entirely up to you as to whether or not you want that "spoiled" for you.

Which also raises another question which I would like to answer on the list. If you are on this list, do you want a) others to reach out to you and/or b) others to give you information about your Source if they know it? Please answer below, if you can or want to!

Nov. 15th, 2019



-- Hey.
-- I talked to Ella tonight and she would really like to continue spending time with you.
-- I just thought it might help for us to work out some sort of schedule.
-- To be clear, you can see her whenever you want, but I thought also having some set days might be good, so she can have a routine and days to look forward to.
-- [...] If that's what you want.
-- Did you burn Gabe?



WHO: Jules Hart, with NPC!Ella Hart
WHEN: Evening of November 15
WHERE: Their home
SUMMARY: Jules thinks back on everything she had done to reach this point, then has a short conversation with her daughter about what she wants.
WARNINGS: Teenage pregnancy, Jules's parents being crappy at parenting

'Why didn't you tell him about me?' )

Nov. 12th, 2019



-- Hey.
-- So Gabe Ella's father somehow found me on Instagram and messaged me last night.
-- He's coming to town today.

Nov. 11th, 2019



instagram post! )

Oct. 21st, 2019



Oof. I feel like I got my ass handed to me while I slept last night and I know for a fact that one of you is to blame. So just think about that if you're Dreaming about one of those people who thinks it's fun to force people to build the sort of muscle in a week that should have taken like six months. 😭 You're a masochist and I hope you feel hella guilty.

Oct. 5th, 2019



Does it ever bother you when you remember how much we hate each other in that other life?

Sep. 25th, 2019



It's National Daughters Day! So I want you to use this post to gush about your daughters (furkids welcome!) however you'd like. 😊 No matter how big or small, I want all the stories and photos you want to post.

And, ladies, you're daughters, too, so I'm absolutely here for sprinkling some love for yourselves here, as well.

Happy National Daughters Day! ❤️

Sep. 7th, 2019



WHO: Jules Hart, with cameo of Ella Hart → Lysandra, with cameo of Evangeline
WHEN: Afternoon of September 7
WHERE: The kitchen of her house
SUMMARY: While preparing dinner, Jules has a dream about Lysandra and how she helped save Evangeline.
WARNINGS: Nothing graphic, but allusions to brothels and violence
BINGO PROMPT: Sorry that I hurt you

'You have to trust me.' )

Aug. 30th, 2019



Raise a hand if you're about to binge watch Carnival Row on Amazon. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌