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June 2020



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December 3rd, 2019



I have always lived in relatively large cities -- St. Louis for eighteen years, then Chicago for nearly ten. (Please don't do that math. I'm in denial over leaving my mid-twenties.) I've now been in this small town for about a month and here are my observations.

1. Two neighbors have come over in the span of the last three hours to bring me a casserole and a pie.
2. I got to explain to both of them that the man I live with is my brother and not some variation of a life partner (gross). One of them proceded to very casually (aka not at all casually) slip into conversation that they have a single grandson. The other let me know that they have a single daughter, in case my brother is single. (Gabe, I'm preparing your dowry as I type.)
3. All of these things happened while I was in pajamas.
4. The Dreamery has amazing ice cream and I keep eating it.

I realize that 3/4 of these observations happened only today, but I feel as though the encapsulate just how incredibly different living in this town is compared to anywhere else I've lived. I didn't even know the names of my neighbors in my building in Chicago. Now I not only know the names of neighbors down the block, but I know which of their family members are being sold off to newcomers. I also know that people really love putting walnuts in brownies around here, because today's casserole and pie are only the tip of the iceburg of food that we've collected since officially moving in. I should probably stop getting takeout and actually eating some of this so we have room in the freezer for the pints of ice cream I keep buying.

That said, Dunhaven has been lovely and I'm still a little bit in love.

Two things. I want to go to that fancy sounding party that we got an invite to. It's hanging on the fridge. You should come with me.

Second thing, I have a crush on a librarian and Jesus, Mary, and Joseph if that isn't the most stereotypically Esther Shaw thing I have ever admitted to.

Okay, I lied. Three things. How are you?



Just a reminder to anyone who's interested that I'm hosting a ritual robe workshop tonight at Eye of the Goddess. We still have a handful of spots open.




Instagram Post! )