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Posts Tagged: 'owl+house:+luz+noceda'

Sep. 3rd, 2023



Network : Stiles Stilinski

Pro tip: Don't decide to follow Tigger. You don't actually get anywhere and spend way too many hours doing it.

Aug. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

Oh, absolutely not. To Hell with this in particular.

Christ dammit What about my car? My plants?

Aug. 18th, 2023



Network: Alex Mercer

Can we vote? I keep thinking about the fact that I can vote now. I never thought I'd be able to vote.

Aug. 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

I feel bad, most people are having these really horrible trauma filled dreams. I'm just over here with this recurring dream where I'm missing my shots and hitting everyone in the butt.

So...sorry, friends and loved ones, if you feel something, dream me got you!

Aug. 7th, 2023



willow park | net post

I know dreams can't hurt me, and I know what I'm dreaming is done. We took care of it, but it's my mind creating the images, and that makes them hard to shake.

Like others have already said, I'm sure everyone is already wishing this was over and that we had something else to discuss, but my dads always said that talking about what scares us takes away the power. Maybe if we can remind each other that they are just dreams, no matter what our minds say, the dreams won't be so bad tonight.

Jul. 30th, 2023



[No Subject]

So ... They really don't like being told that their multiverse theory is wrong... I think they might be angry with me.

Anyway, who is the local neighborhood spider in these parts?


Jul. 28th, 2023




Chocolate is very difficult to get out of hair. Consider this a warning.

Jul. 9th, 2023



willow park | net post


I'm Willow. I was told this is the community forum. I was told a lot of things, really, except how Clover and I got here. It seems like magic of some kind, but not the kind I'm used to, and the only portal I've walked through recently was the one to visit the Nocedas.

I don't expect anyone to have answers about that since the people I talked to didn't have answers about that (but if you know anything, I'm willing to listen to any and all theories you have!).

(unless that's not something we're supposed to talk about openly here, which I get. I'm not really supposed to use my magic in this realm, but they didn't really say it's against the rules, so I'm just throwing it out there.)

What should I know about this place?

Jun. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

If this is what everyone meant by hot boy summer... Gotta say, I'm a fan.

Jun. 23rd, 2023



Network: Nancy Wheeler

Is anyone looking to do something this week or next? I'm kind of stuck with a lot of free time and no one to spend it with since Steve disappeared.

I'm thinking maybe just a day on the beach or even going hiking if anyone is interested in driving up north. Hell, I'd take pizza and a movie.

Jun. 20th, 2023



Network: Alex Mercer

New personal record: only cried for five minutes when my situation changed, instead of twenty-five years. (It's cool, someone just touched me on the shoulder and acknowledged my existence when I wasn't playing my drums. Totally normal.)

Yo, Luke, the Angela lady said you were here? Please tell me she wasn't pulling my leg. Which is now a thing that's physically possible to do.

Nice, deep, calm breaths.

Hi, I'm Alex. Somehow a lifer again.

Jun. 19th, 2023



Network Post : Enid Sinclair

You know what's amazing? Water Balloon Pinatas. Especially Unicorn shaped ones.

Jun. 17th, 2023




1: If anyone wants to take Yelena up on "hey, do you want to learn how to escape a hold" - don't take her up on it. I'm still sore.

2: NOT THE HAIR. It takes TIME to style this beast of a mane. just kidding, it's on and everyone with super soakers and water balloons are going DOWN

May. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hey guys.

I'm partnering with the high school to do a music summer learning program. Each camp will be two weeks long and depend on the skill level of the entering student.

June 12- 23 will be for beginners-- those wanting to learn the basics of instruments.

June 26 - July 7 -- will be for intermediate players, who are looking for a challenge.

July 10 - July 21 -- is for those who feel very familiar with their instrument of choice and are looking for a challenge.

I will also be providing tutoring for anyone looking to learn how to play the Violin, or the guitar, as needed one a one-to-one basis.



[No Subject]

I assume we don't go on quests for school breaks here, so what do we do with our summer holidays? The idea of sitting around the house for two months seems a bit dull. Or a lot dull, let's be honest here.

I was considering maybe a class? Not an academic sort, though I could still use some catch up in a few subjects, but maybe something fun. Art? Or dance, perhaps.

May. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Cool. I had like one friend. And now I don't. So that's going for me.

I'll be in my room. Don't need me.

May. 1st, 2023



Network: Quentin Coldwater

As much as I'm going to miss Sebastian and really hope he's gone back home and is happy, HOLY CRAP, HAWAII???

I wonder what kind of libraries they have. And bookstores. And museums.

Anyone want to come with?

Apr. 29th, 2023



[No Subject]

Damn, I missed dragons?

Apr. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Well, I couldn't let Loki have all the fun. I made a friend. Crowley, can he sleep in my room?

Anyone up for some dragon races?



Network: Loki

I am Loki of San Francisco, and I burdened with a glorious dragon.