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Posts Tagged: 'mcu:+scott+lang'

Nov. 29th, 2023



[No Subject]

Looks like I missed all of the excitement.

Has anyone seen Kamala? I need to talk to her.


Hey. I'm guessing I was gone a couple of days. I'm sorry.


We need to talk.

Nov. 26th, 2023



Network: Cassie Lang

Is anyone going to mention the unseasonably warm weather? I know I'm from a different SF, but still.

[OOC: Sunday - It. Is. HOT. No matter what time you wake up, it's already in the 90s. It'll creep up to about 115F before the end of the afternoon and it doesn't go back down after the sun sets. Let's throw in some humidity because feeling like you're drowning just standing outside is always fun.]

Nov. 18th, 2023



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

Happy holidays, everyone. I'll be making Tony string lights tonight.

[Banner-Stark-Parker family]

I promised Peter we would go to New York City for a few days this holiday season once the children are out of school.

Nov. 6th, 2023



Network: Hope Van Dyne

This is not my color.

Oct. 5th, 2023



Network — Lydia Martin

Pumpkin carving: yay or nay? Classic face, spooky and scary, or something more avant- garde? How close to Halloween do you get your pumpkins and turn them into Jack-o-lanterns?

[Filter: Stiles Stilinski]

And a few more questions just for you:

1. Any thoughts on how you want the decorate our door? There’s always Classic Movie Monsters, but they may have lost some of their appeal over the years. However, there’s a whole lot of possibilities out there. I’m currently not set on anything, but I have been idly thinking. Mostly that we should include lights.

2. I see Pepper is the resident Halloween Party Thrower. Do you want to go? If so, do you want to coordinate costumes? They don’t have to be strictly couples’ costumes. Could be we do the same theme. Could do a group thing with others. Could each do our own thing, too. Mostly just curious on this one and not set on anything one way or another.

3. I love you. 😘 Not a question. Just wanted to tell you.


Sep. 27th, 2023





If you got a fortune cookie that read "You will be traveling and come into a fortune."

And then you ended up in the scene of a robbery

And someone tried to carjack you as a getaway car

But then they panicked

And left a duffel bag full of money on the seat next to you as they fled

And no one who was chasing them... noticed

What's the best way to go about turning in said money so someone with a criminal record doesn't just get their butt tossed in jail because it looks funny?

Sep. 15th, 2023




This place is rife with festivals. I kind of forgot just how much so.

[ filter; Loki ]
On a scale of 1 to 10, how "God of Mischief" are you feeling today?

[ filter; Hope Van Dyne ]
We're still on for Folsom, right?

Sep. 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

I have recently acquired an item that allows me to borrow books from the nearby library. Dare say, I deeply enjoy reading, so I would like any and all recommendations you're willing to give me of novels that I ought to read.

Aug. 13th, 2023



Network: Loki

Were it not for this realm's puritanical views on public nudity, I'd be out enjoying this sun the way I most long to. As it is, I've slept much of the day away, but there's always tomorrow if the weather holds. I think I shall invest in a Speedo.

Aug. 3rd, 2023




This just in: Happy 1-year Anniversary to me!

Jul. 8th, 2023



Network: Cassie Lang

I'm the big 1-9! Thanks for the great birthday yesterday, Dad.

Jul. 5th, 2023



Network: Hope van Dyne

It was nice to be home for the Fourth, even if it's not home-home. Last night's party stirred up a lot of family memories for me, but in a good way.

It makes me wonder: even if you're not from America, what's your favorite holiday memory, with your family or not?


As much as I love watching Steve Rogers squirm on the network, I just have to say:

Down, boy.

Jul. 4th, 2023



[No Subject]

You know, I've seen smaller fireworks before, but nothing like the grand displays that have been illuminating the sky over the last day or two. I could never have imagined the beauty they would actually be capable of. I mean, the colors and the size of some of them! It's extraordinary!

Is there a meaning behind them or is it simply something the people of this port enjoy doing?

Jun. 12th, 2023




[ filtered; Cassie Lang & Hope Van Dyne ]
There's that whole Hawaii trip, free of charge. We should take advantage now that things have calmed down and there's no school to worry about.

[ filtered; Hope Mikaelson ]
I totally get it if you want to fire me by this point. Cassie leaving hit me harder than the whole 'hey, I'm a totally different person' did. Not that I knew that.

May. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]

I sincerely hope everyone is back to normal now. I didn't think I had the ability to be surprised anymore, but this place seems intent on proving me wrong there.

After the recent chaos, I'm calling it. We need a ladies night. Drinks, maybe dinner. I'll take suggestions for the where and the when.



Network: Carol Danvers

Soooo, I quit my job. How's everyone else doing this weekend?

May. 10th, 2023



Network: Cassie Lang

Well, add my parents to the list of people who aren't themselves.

May. 7th, 2023



Network: Jen Walters

Well, it has been a while since I had to hulk out.

Apr. 30th, 2023



Network: Hope van Dyne

I know what the government just tried to spoon feed me, but who has the real story? Some have you been in this place longer than others, so surely someone at least has a theory.

Scott, Cassie, they told me you were here. Please tell me that at least is true.

Apr. 13th, 2023



Network: Jen Walters

With my luck, the mystery man in my vision is in yet another universe.