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Posts Tagged: 'marvel+animated:+tony+stark'

Nov. 9th, 2023



Network: Tony Stark

I haven't woken up next to a man I don't remember in a very long time. He tells me my name is Tony and I know most of you. I'm sorry, but I seem to have forgotten who I am.

Nov. 6th, 2023



network: cher horowitz

Thank goodness it's fall because do you know how difficult it is to match things with orange? Everything has to be the right shade and the right accessory or else it just looks like a tub of crushed and mushed carrots.



net: jim kirk

When you've been wearing bright yellow gold for years, suddenly finding yourself in all orange, isn't the biggest shock in the world. But I'm still glad that Starfleet never embraced orange for the uniforms. Even if it is high visibility or what have you.

Nov. 3rd, 2023



[No Subject]

Still wrapping my head around it all, I can't quite believe tomorrow is my wedding day.

I know some of you are dealing with tough losses. We'd love to have you there with us but we do understand if you're unable to make it.

The rest of you, be prepared for some of the best cake of your life. And no, I didn't make it nor did I let my soon-to-be wife.

Sep. 21st, 2023



netpost; Jim Kirk

[Filtered to 18+ ONLY]
SO. Folsom Street Fair (NSFW kinda - leather/kink references) is this weekend to wrap up San Francisco's leather week. Who wants to come exploring with me?

Sep. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

I've been a bit busy for a while. Working at the new job, and it's great. So I just wished to let my friends and allies know that I've sort of got a promotion. I am now working as security for the museum. Night shift, of course. :)

Sep. 9th, 2023



Network: Bucky Barnes

Is anyone else suspicious that we haven't had any major attacks by turkeys, elves, or large predators lately? Maybe it's just me.

Anyway, can't say the last few surprises haven't been fun. Can't say I've ever played minigolf, but I'm willing to learn.

Sep. 4th, 2023



Network: Tony Stark 2

It is not Labor Day without a BBQ. I'll be on the roof grilling. Everyone is free to join.

Aug. 19th, 2023



Network: Tony Stark 2

I thought something was medically wrong, until I realized it was the magic messing with us again. I'm trying to avoid music right now.

Aug. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

I felt it when it happened. Rey's gone. I hope she's in a good place and not a painful one.


Can I come over? I don't feel like being alone right now.

Aug. 13th, 2023



Network: Loki

Were it not for this realm's puritanical views on public nudity, I'd be out enjoying this sun the way I most long to. As it is, I've slept much of the day away, but there's always tomorrow if the weather holds. I think I shall invest in a Speedo.

Aug. 6th, 2023



network post: jim kirk

Right, so I suppose I should introduce myself now that I've spent my first night here. Jim Kirk, First Officer of the USS Farragut. One of those folks for whom space travel is common so this is going to be a bit of an adjustment. Few questions for you all:

  • Where is the best coffee?
  • Best nearby bookstore or library?
  • Best bar/club?
  • Three things I should know as a new arrival?

I know it rains a lot in San Fran, but it wasn't quite this bad in my time. Is this a normal thing or...?

Looking forward to meeting you all.

Aug. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

Oh, this is quite the gloomy weather we're having, isn't it? Seems the sort to make one want to stay inside reading by the fire.

Jul. 30th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello! I want to remind everyone that the late night horseback riding will be taking place at [riding stable name here] at 9:15 PM on Sunday. Everyone is welcome. It's going to be fun! Thank you again Jen and Yelena. Your kindness is overwhelming and appreciated more than you know.

[Filtered away from Jen Walters & Yelena Belova]

If you're going, please thank Jen and Yelena for making this happen. It wouldn't be possible without them. Thanks!

(OOC: Please pretend Louis posted this late Saturday night.)

Jul. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

Dimitri and me are Hawaii bound tomorrow. Try not to miss us too much, San Francisco!

Jul. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

If one "Googles" themselves and reads certain things, it is likely those things will not actually come to pass since I am here and not there, correct?

Jul. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Is it common for the entire landscape to change on such a whim?

[Private to Edward Teach]
Now, I know you're not terribly fond of spending too much time on land, but whatever it is that's happened outside looks rather adventurous! Would you like to go have a bit of fun with me?

Someone mentioned something called a "zipline" and I've no idea what that is but I want to try it!

Jul. 10th, 2023



Netpost: Rose Hathaway

Time is weird. Sometimes it drags by and sometimes it goes way too fast.

Speaking of the latter, your summer vacation is like half over. We should do something fun.



Network: Bucky Barnes

Thanks for everyone that helped put together Steve and America's birthday bash this year. Hope everyone had a great time!


Got a favor to ask you.


Giants aren't playing the Dodgers for a while, but there's the derby tonight. You going?

Jul. 6th, 2023



[No Subject]

If anyone is curious and is need of proof, I may or may not have a picture of my husband partaking in some ice cream and actual fun this past weekend.

I considered marking the occasion with a post in the local newspaper or a billboard, but I hung them on the fridge instead.