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April 27th, 2024



network: emily bright

[ Filtered from Albus ]

Say a girl wants to try and make something special for her boyfriend. Maybe something that reminds him of home? British faire, I guess? Something that is not fish and chips.

[ Dad Strange & Albus ]

I've been feeling a little off since the whole...villain thing. I think it's been before that. I don't know what it is but it's just weird. I know there are other magic users in the building but you both know me better than they do. Have your magic meters been pinging anything odd? My ring feels heavier too



network: christine strange (palmer)

One of the shop regulars insisted that I sit and watch that reality show about a ship crew. Something about the Deck? Swabbing the Deck? I've seen plenty of reality shows because when you work the late night shift in the ER, there are times when you need something to keep you entertained.

And awake.

I went in with the assumption it was going to be some sort of Survival-esque competition show but with pirates? It was not that at all, which was a bit disappointing.

It was an actual crew maintaining an impressive yacht catering to very wealthy people. And I...may have watched two whole seasons within the last twenty-four hours. Give or take a few hours for sleeping. As much as I may tease my husband, the fact that he survives through my current obsession - anyone remember the paranormal shows? - it makes me love him more.



network: cher horowitz

Yes, I should have been thinking about this way before now, but this place isn't exactly normal or willing to pause the crazy so that you can consider what you want to do with your life after graduation. I wasn't even sure what I was going to do back home. Daddy probably wanted me to go into law.💤