[COMING OF AGE GROUP - May, Luke, Nancy, Jennifer, Julia, Crowley, Daisy, David & Wednesday]
Ask a girl out and then immediately get separated in some sort of even stranger pocket dimension within a pocket dimension and my powers still don't work here.
And everyone is talking about a dance and I don't even know what they are talking about and it is stressing me out.
I feel like I should be used to this but having everyone gasp and ask "oh my gosh, how?!" when I go somewhere is going to get old fast.
Top that off with I now live alone and I've got a little shark at home who is likely eating the entire apartment, and I'm ready to get back any time now.
So if Ms. Smith is making announcements on some of the missing people but not everyone, that means the others are coming back, right?
If I shoot anymore today my arm is going to fall off. I'm going to go down to Mr. Stark's little farm and make sure the animals are okay. I should also see if Lucky #2 went home with Kate, I guess.