It's Sunday morning. A good day for brunch, but it's breakfast time and I'm having a bagel with cream cheese and some fruit. What are your favorite breakfast foods? I'm also a fan of omelettes, bacon, french toast and pancakes.
Last minute, I know, but I'm heading out this evening for some birthday drinks, since I don't have to work tomorrow. No set destination in mind, but would anyone care to join me? I'll probably leave the Station around 6 or so.
I've got an entire quidditch pitch and nothing to do with it, and that's making me sad.
So, if you've ever wanted to learn to fly, I'm willing to teach you how. (That includes you, Ron.) It's with brooms, not just someone flying on their own. I don't know how to do that, mostly because at home it's.....heavily frowned upon (Mr. Auror, back me up.). Hope and Julia gave me ideas for how to protect anyone who falls off, so it'll be perfectly safe.
And you can't fly very high till you know what you're doing. Cushioning charms can only do so much!