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January 16th, 2014



[No Subject]


[Private to Claire]

Hey... you alright, kiddo? I don't know if cold affects you or not, but I've been gathering any kind of wood that I can, to start a small fire. I figure, flark it, if we can snow in a hotel, we can have finre. Fair's fair. If you need warmth, bring a blanket and come sit by the fire.



[No Subject]

Seriously can someone find the source and knock it out, then turn the heater on high.

I'm freezing.



[No Subject]

What the hell is going on? We've got possible murders and people disappearing now, and not sent home because their stuff is still here? It's still beyond freezing and there is broken glass all over the hotel from the windows exploding last night.

Lee? Dinah? Please tell me you're both here and fine.

Coulson? May?



[No Subject]




[No Subject]

I'm beginning to forget what it feels like to be warm. That's a bad thing right?



[No Subject]

Anyone seen Alex or Sam? Their rooms are trashed and its unlike her to be vague like she was last night.



[No Subject]

That lady before me has a valid question, Where is Claire?

She was suppose to find Bullwinkle and then show up, she never did.



[Filtered to 5-0 & Kensi.]

Looks like we've got missing people now?



[No Subject]

Over this.



[No Subject]

[Text Message to Avengers (all) + SHIELD]
-- Code Green
-- Excalibur
-- A432GF



[No Subject]

Some of you have indicated you have missing friends.
What must surely be a murder scene was found not two days ago. So these disappearances are very serious
We have to come up with a structured way to handle these disappearances.

The first thing we need to attend to though is personal safety.

I realize the cold has made people reach out to others but you also need to think on personal safety now.
Stay in groups. Not just pairs but groups of people that you know and trust.
Do not go off by yourself to a strangers room for warmth and comfort, if you do go off make sure many people know where you have gone.
If you need warmth and are lonely go to the kitchens where there is a group of people keeping warm.

Secondly we need to gather all the information about potential missing people in one place so that we can organize a search for each person. So please even if you have made note of something on the net before please again comment here.
If you have seen any sort of suspicious activity please comment here.

Lastly we need people who can help search. Those of you who would like to participate in a search party please also comment here. We will divide into groups and coordinate our efforts.



[No Subject]

Wow, I'm so glad I'm undead, or else this would be bothering me a lot more than it already is.

[Filtered to Bart]

Yo, kiddo, how are you doing in this freezeacalypse?

[No Subject]

[Harry Dresden]
Do you have anything to do with this cold front?



[No Subject]

I'm only going to say this once and one time only.

Do not go outside! Do not try to attempted to handle what is happening outside. Our team of people are on it.

If you feel the need to help, I need people to help lock this hotel lockdown.

Yes, it's cold.

Yes, people are missing.

But as of right now, my concern is to keep those who are here and now safe and alive.



Ignore my last order, lets get some chaos settled.

[Any law enforcement here]

I'm going to need help. You did an oath to protect your poeple.

Get to work.



[No Subject]


[No Subject]

Haven't seen this much excitement since that 24 bike motorcycle wreck in Az's realm.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Charlie Bradbury]

My missing persons post got a response that made me think of the clothes you found. I asked him to come to your room but have not explained why. I'm on my way down.

[Avengers (all) + SHIELD]

Stand down!

Give, Iron Lady, twenty minutes, if still Green.

Hawkeye, do as I instructed you.



filtered to demon!Sally

I'm done.



[Private to Castiel]

Hey so

bit of a roommate faux pas and all but

I was wondering if while you're staying with Meg I might borrow your room? I'm trying to heat this place us but it's just too big. I think I can use your bigger bathroom to at least keep the bedroom warm though if I flood the place with hot water. Do you mind?



[No Subject]

It is colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra... All the windows are busted, and some unjolly green giant is running hog wild. And I hear there is a ghost in the kitchen.

What the hell is going on around here!?



[No Subject]

Well that wasn't much fun.



[No Subject]

Las Vegas.

There appears to be less of it now.



[No Subject]

Thank you everyone for working with us.

You are released, please go back to your nightly schedule.



[No Subject]

Yeah so...I'm gonna go be somewhere else for like...ever.



[[Text to Peggy Carter]]

-- On a scale of one to America
-- How free is your weekend?



[No Subject]

Do you think anyone would be upset with me if I shut myself up in my room for a few years?

Especially now, I need to find a way to room with my sister.



[No Subject]

Laurel says I have to have a party so I guess like come if you want. I'm turning 19 on Tuesday. And provided things are alright then, I guess I'm having a party in one of the ballrooms or something.



[No Subject]

I'm so sorry, I've been working on control, this...I...never meant it to happen.

I'll, I'll rid of it all.

I'm so sorry. If I hurt anyone, I'm so sorry.



[No Subject]

I'd love to be in on the party next time.



[No Subject]

[[Text Message to Peggy Carter]]
-- You shot me in the face
--And you didn't even flinch
-- Are you okay?
[[Text Message to Natasha Romanoff (Canon)]]
-- Scale of 1-10
-- How bad was it?
[[Text Message to Clint Barton]]
-- Hey I need advice on something
-- Also
-- Ow.