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January 15th, 2014



[No Subject]

So basically the entire hotel is frozen, and it looks to be spreading. That's great.



[No Subject]

If any of the Carpenter's kids are here, please check in.



[No Subject]

While I guess I technically could use a vacation, this isn't what I had in mind. And it's freezing here. Does anyone know where I can get a parka? And more importantly, as fun as Vegas is, can anyone direct me to the nearest airport? Or tell me if there's some other way to leave here? Thanks.



[No Subject]

Okay, this is not cool. I have a pregnant girl here and I'm not going to let her freeze to death. What the hell is going on?



[No Subject]

I didn' this. What's going on? Why is it so cold? And snowing? Inside?

[No Subject]

Steve? Kono? Chin? Anyone want to tell me what is going on here?



[No Subject]

A white Christmas was one thing, it was pretty. completely unnecessary. It is not supposed to snow inside a building.



[No Subject]

I bet I know someone who doesn't mind the snow.

[Avengers + Dum Dum Dugan]
Status update regarding your SHIELD initiates, please. My list includes:
  • Phil Coulson
  • Birds of Prey
  • Skye

  • I am also given to understand that Melinda May is a contemporary SHIELD agent. Thoughts regarding reaching out to her?

    In the meantime, I have secured $1MM in assets.

    [Steve Rogers]
    Trusting me - trusting me no matter what you may hear - is absolutely integral.

    [ETA: Melinda May]
    Agent May. I'm Peggy Carter.



    [No Subject]

    Those of you in need of warmth:

    The kitchens are still functional. I've set up in one of them and the heat from the stove is sufficient to keep the snow from accumulating. It's damp in here (snow is still falling) but there's hot tea and warm soup, and my roommate the good Dr Watson will check people for cold injuries.

    Cover your hair as much as you can. Wear a cap, or wrap something over your head. The wetter it gets, the worse off you'll be. Same with your feet. Use your bedlinens to wrap cloaks that will keep heat against your body.

    I also have a small number of wool tunics and heavy socks that will help keep the damp off. They are still dry. I know some are ill or have old injuries. If you need something warm, it's yours until the snow stops.

    Now, for the other issues: it's snowing on all levels of the hotel I can access by elevator. It seems to be snowing elsewhere on the grounds. I have seen such things before, and my experience suggests there is an individual responsible. If this weather is like what we see in my country, they will be nearby. Probably inside the hotel somewhere.



    [No Subject]

    To anyone who reads this: I know it's colder than Bobby Drake's buttcheeks up in this hotel, so I'm gonna offer my help. I got a big freezer here full of Hot Pockets, and there's a microwave in the kitchen downstairs. Anyone who wants a couple just to have something warm in them, hit me up.

    [Private to Jane Foster]

    Are you ok? Keeping warm? If you need anything (extra blankets, cuddles, etc) holla atcha boy. I'll take care of you.

    [Private to Kara]

    Is there anything in your system that allows you to generate heat? If so, could you help me heat up a room to huddle a few of my friends in?

    [Private to Charity]




    [No Subject]

    Have I mentioned how good it is to see you puttering around?



    [No Subject]

    Has anyone thought about staying outside the motel, or is it just as bad out there?

    ETA: And if any of you are in a room with a fireplace, tell me, and I can get it lit up for you. If you don't have a fireplace in your room, but have a friend, or family who does, it might be best to stay with them.



    [Filtered to Alexandra Udinov]

    would you like to get a donut with me?



    [No Subject]

    I like snow and all, but only when I can get away from it and cuddle up someplace nice and warm.



    [No Subject]

    what is to be done of this cold that has taken hold?

    surely we can agree that an individual is responsible for something so unnatural.

    has anyone thought to seek them out?

    as i find the cold easier to endure, i offer myself to assist in such a task. we must stop this before it worsens.



    [No Subject]

    Have no fear chicas, Bart and a hot tub will help keep ya nice and warm!



    [No Subject]

    Seriously? I like winter, but this is ridiculous.

    [Beacon Hills resident filter]
    I'm calling a pack cuddle-for-warmth pile.

    By the way, do you know anything about banshees?



    [No Subject]

    Rocky? I know you have fur, but are you warm enough?

    Does anyone know if a woman named Tracy Strauss showed up here recently?

    [No Subject]

    Well this certainly isn't what I signed up for.



    Filtered against all demons; the Winchesters; Anna; and Elsa

    [Voice post]

    Hans, or demon!Hans sounds visibly shaken up There's so much blood. I-someone needs to come over right now, and help this poor young woman! A doctor, a healer, anyone! Just get over here right now!



    [No Subject]

    You don't really need to worry bout the cold so long as you've got somethin to warm you up and judging by the traffic I guess I'm not the first who figured the bar's free. So. Brought some home, got a deck or two. You folk wanna bring some of your own and I might just set up a game of five card stud.

    $50 buy in, or we could make it more interesting and play strip. What better way to meet the neighbors, eh?

    We do that second one, if you aren't old enough to bring your own bottle, you aren't old enough to play.



    [No Subject]

    [Backdated to to occur during this]

    [Filtered to the SPN Family]

    Going to need some help from the pencil pushers.
    Room 813 the residence of Remus Lupin and Wanda Wilson is quite the sight.
    You'll have to get a look to really understand the destruction but I'm pretty sure I smell sulfur.


    Remus Lupin?
    Wanda Wilson?

    What is the structure of authority in this place? There is an emergency.



    [No Subject]

    there's something wrong with sam.

    [OOC: Alex will be unable to reply to anyone who responds to this.]



    [No Subject]

    You know, it doesn't get this cold in District 4. And I like it that way.

    So, has anyone seen my wife? Don't know if she's here or not, but if she is, she shouldn't be alone.



    [No Subject]

    I'm unsure what help I could be, but if anyone needs anything, do not be scared to ask. I know a lot of you must be freezing, ask for extra blankets. Go to the warm spots that everyone as already told you about. If you start losing feelings in your legs or your feet, speak up.

    We want to make sure everyone is safe here.



    [No Subject]

    [Private to Anna]

    Are you okay in this cold?

    [Private to Elsa]

    Is this winter weather your doing by any chance?



    [No Subject]

    It's not too bad here.

    [Mom and Dad] So I have to tell you something. Harry is making me. Don't freak out, especially you, Mom.



    [No Subject]

    I'm going to make you pay for this!!!

    [No Subject]

    First it's suddenly winter inside and now all the windows have been shattered. What the hell is actually going on here?

    [Filtered to Veronica]

    You doing okay? Some chick just came and lit the fire in our fireplace, so it's not terrible in here. I think we just need to get some extra blankets and do what we can to keep warm.

    [Filtered to Severus Mr. Snape]

    Umm... you wouldn't happen to know what's going on around here, would you? Or maybe be trying to help? I assume you're probably trying to help already, but I'd really feel better knowing that someone was on it.