
March 2014



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Posts Tagged: 'flame+princess+%28canon%29'

Mar. 6th, 2014



[No Subject]

Benjamin Franklin once said that energy and persistence conquer all things, and that's something that I've always believed. That if you put your mind to something, if you fight for something, if you invest yourself, then you will succeed. Then, you can do anything.

When I arrived here, I went to work as quickly as I could with Director Carter, trying to establish an organisation to help all of us, to protect us, and to work tirelessly to figure out what it is that is keeping us here, and what we can do about it.

In the last few weeks, we suffered irreplaceable loses. The men and women that were here and who contributed to our efforts were important, skilled, dedicated and fantastic individuals and they will be missed, but we can't be beaten down by our losses, and we can't give up.

And that's why I'm asking each and every one of you, personally, if you'd like to come into the fold and lend SHIELD and the Avengers your strengths and talents to serve the community we've built here in this artificial Vegas, and help the efforts to send us home.

Any questions, or concerns you might have I'll try my best to address. If I can't then I'm sure Director Peggy Carter, or Howard Stark will have the right answers.

Feb. 22nd, 2014



[No Subject]

This place is so confusing with all its bright lights and strange devices. I'm trying not to panic but I think I've finally figured out this, at least.

Feb. 14th, 2014



[No Subject]

[fail!filter to self]

Great, this holiday is squid. Not happy that I had to leave my kink again, but at least I don't have two gays eating on me. Thank gob for that.

Jan. 25th, 2014



[No Subject]

Are all TV shows this stupid?

"I thought this guy was a stiff, but as it turned out, he was just a corpse. So I said, "Hey, it's your funeral!" and his family said, "yes, it is! Now get out of the coffin!""

Do people actually find that sort of thing funny?

[Filtered away from Princess Bubblegum]

Someone talk to me, please.



[No Subject]

This is certainly interesting. I wish I had my lab here, I'd have to take some samples and see what this world is made of.

Finn and Jake would love it here.

Jan. 20th, 2014


[No Subject]



Because I totally wasn't just in Kansas.

Saddest part? This doesn't even really shock me. I don't even think it's the strangest thing I've seen today.

Bring it on.

Jan. 18th, 2014



Filtered from all demons.

This place is getting to be crowded, and more and more things keep happening. It's very chaotic. just the way I like it



[No Subject]

As a mature and responsible member of the superhero community, and someone who attempting to be a better person, I have an announcement to make.

With the blessing of Captain America, and on a temporarily provisional basis...


Jan. 17th, 2014



[No Subject]

Guess it's a comfort to know that no matter where you go, you can always find insensitive assholes.

Jan. 16th, 2014



[No Subject]

Do you think anyone would be upset with me if I shut myself up in my room for a few years?

Especially now, I need to find a way to room with my sister.



[No Subject]

Well that wasn't much fun.



[No Subject]

I'm only going to say this once and one time only.

Do not go outside! Do not try to attempted to handle what is happening outside. Our team of people are on it.

If you feel the need to help, I need people to help lock this hotel lockdown.

Yes, it's cold.

Yes, people are missing.

But as of right now, my concern is to keep those who are here and now safe and alive.



Ignore my last order, lets get some chaos settled.

[Any law enforcement here]

I'm going to need help. You did an oath to protect your poeple.

Get to work.

Jan. 15th, 2014



[No Subject]

Has anyone thought about staying outside the motel, or is it just as bad out there?

ETA: And if any of you are in a room with a fireplace, tell me, and I can get it lit up for you. If you don't have a fireplace in your room, but have a friend, or family who does, it might be best to stay with them.



[No Subject]

So basically the entire hotel is frozen, and it looks to be spreading. That's great.

Jan. 14th, 2014



[No Subject]

Lovely. A influx of new arrivals who are utterly as useless as those already here.

Jan. 8th, 2014


[No Subject]

Alright, Vegas, Dick has arrived and the party can truly begin. Who wants to get drunk and freaky?



[No Subject]


One second I'm blasting away at a Badoon soldier, the next I'm in some krutacking Earth city? 

This has to be a joke. Quill? Groot? Anyone?

Someone's gonna get an ass-kicking here.

Jan. 6th, 2014



[Accidental Voice Post]

--must needs seek shelter in yonder castle. Mayhap we will find the Lady Sarah thither.

[A few muffled barks sound in the background.]

I trow 'tis worth the attempt. Forward!

[There is silence for a few seconds, followed by a high-pitched whine.]

Prithee, what vexeth thee, Ambrosius?

[A long pause is followed by a whimper.]

Nay, 'tis not the Lady Sarah, but verily, 'tis human.

[The message cuts off there.]

Jan. 5th, 2014



[No Subject]

Lee had suggested perhaps I should repost this and I think he's right.

Hello all, my name is Lt. Abbie Mills from Sleepy Hollow.

I've done this about a month ago, but since people come and go here, I figured I'd ask and redo it again.

Could everyone please answer the following questions.

Now you don't have to, but be nice if you did, especially if you have any health concerns anyone should be aware of.

Here's mine.

Name: Grace Abigail Mills, please call me Abbie
Age: 25
Where are you from: Sleepy Hollow
Time period or date: 2013
Where you dead: No. Not yet at least.
Has anyone you've known here left: Not that I'm aware of
What were you doing at the time you were sent here: I was working on a case with my partner who seemed to be here for a month before I arrived.
Any issues or health concerns we all need to be aware about: No.

Jan. 4th, 2014



[No Subject]

I guess this place, or whoever wants me to stay really bad. My entire wardrobe from home is here.

Thank Gob. Do you know how hard it is to find clothing that doesn't catch on fire?