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Posts Tagged: 'angel+%28au%29'

Mar. 3rd, 2014


[No Subject]

Well, that was a hoot!

This place is full of surprises! Though I do miss home.

Thanks Bubblgum for the typing lesson. These finger thingies are hard to use but I think I'm getting it! Now time to work on the... foots!

I wanna bake or throw a party! Or both!!

Feb. 19th, 2014



[No Subject]

Buffy? I haven't- Are you- Why am I even- Did I do someth- You still here?

Feb. 3rd, 2014



[No Subject]

Hey. You awake?

Jan. 29th, 2014



[No Subject]

Okay. It's been a while since I've gotten drunk enough to not remember what happened the night before... So how come I'm in Las Vegas? Is this some kind of initiation rite? Kennedy? Willow? ....Dawnie?

Jan. 22nd, 2014


Voice Post

woah, everything is so bright and flashy, and how come I'm not made of snow anymore?

It'd be nice if Elsa, Anna, and Sven were here...and Kristoff, but I don't see them. I think I made myself sad.

Umm, any of you know where I can get some clothes?



Netpost: Avengers/SHIELD

[Avengers+SHIELD (as of now, this includes anyone on the Gdoc and/or those who wish to be involved unless otherwise marked)]
Director Carter and I took the liberty of organizing all those individuals interested in being a part of our team into their own units. Each unite has been code named with a colour, each unit has a handler. And in the even of another emergency, like the Hulk, each unit will be responsible for their own tasks, some coming down from your unit leader, and some. Coming down directly from Director Carter, who is as of now our head tactician.

((Here is a link to the Gdoc for quick reference!))

I would like you all to take some time to familiarize yourself with the members of your unit that you don't already know. These are the people that, God forbid, you might very well need to depend on with you life. So it might be a good idea to get to know them, their strengths and their weaknesses.

Until we have proper facilities, all training will be open air, and lead by unit handlers, so figure out a place that works for all of you, and a time and take it from there. If you have any questions or concerns, either I or Director Carter will make it our top priority to get back to you with answers as soon as possible.

[Gold Unit: Wolverine, X-23, Deadpool, M. Dearden, Angel (AU), Tony Stark (AU).]
I think almost all of you already know me, or some version of me so I'll keep introductions short. What I will say though, is that our first training session will be at the Ceasar's Palace pools, Thursday morning, 0800h. If that's a problem for anyone - please let me know. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing all of you Thursday. Bring a towel.

Dec. 27th, 2013



[No Subject]

I know it's a difficult time of year to be away from the ones that we cherish the most. That in certain ways, their absences might have left the last few days feeling a bit empty; a bit hollow -- not put most of us in mind for the Christmas spirit at all.

But it's always important to remember and be thankful for what we have and do what we can to help others here who are maybe struggling a little bit. It can be Christmas any day, anywhere, and with anyone as long as there is friendship and hope.

[Tony Stark (AU)]
How was yours, Tony?

Dec. 26th, 2013




Me and Stark can both rest easy at night knowing that in alternate realities, we're both at least SMOKING HOT as chicks.

I wonder if any of you others have hot female counterparts. I mean... somehow I can't see Cap and his sad puppydog eyes translating into a hot chick very well. Or PHIL! Oh god! Imagine Coulson as a broad. It'd look like Don Knotts dressing up as Rue McClanahan.

Dec. 23rd, 2013



[No Subject]

Well, this is new. It's not every day you leave your office and end up in Vegas.

Henry?? Please tell me you are here too.

Dec. 14th, 2013



[No Subject]

Well. This is nothing like the last time I was in Las Vegas. That time, for example, was mostly consensually. Minus Rhodey's attempts to interfere with my lucky streak. I mean, yes, I was down, but I still had time to turn it around.

They've got me typing on a phone I wouldn’t have voluntarily used in 2003. But if these assholes think they can brick my electronic devices, they don’t know who they’re dealing with. Give me an hour and this network will be Stark tech. As they say, “the difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer.”

Tony Stark. Who wants to join me at the bar?

Dec. 13th, 2013



[No Subject]

Okay, as far as kidnappings go - and really, do they go - can I just say, I wasn't expecting Vegas? Maybe, I'm used to places that are a little more, I dunno. Dark and damp.

Right, I'm going to need a computer that can connect to something other than this network. Like the real internet. Something that can access Netflix or S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm really not picky.

And, a tuna fish sandwich would be nice. I'm a Bellagio sorta guy, by the way. I wouldn't object being booked elsewhere either.

Dec. 7th, 2013



[No Subject]

I wish Connor was here. Or anywhere other than LA. Now he's facing hell again, and I can't help him because I'm stuck in another dimension. Like we didn't get enough of that the first time around.

[Filtered to Angel (canon)]

Did he get out? In your world. Tell me he got out of LA before the demon army showed up. If yours did, maybe mine can-

Dec. 1st, 2013



[No Subject]

I get that things are weird here, but it's a little difficult to wrap my head around it being 2013 when it was 2006 for me.

Nov. 30th, 2013



[No Subject]

It's been almost a month and

How's everyone doing?



[No Subject]

Huh. I guess the Senior Partners really didn't want me to slay that dragon.

Anybody seen a guy named Spike around here? Leather jacket, glow in the dark hair? Or anyone else who was fighting off a demon army just before they got here? We need to get back to LA.