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January 17th, 2014



[No Subject]

I really need some ice or something.


I need you to meet my mom and dad with me. In case something...happens.

I think I have my mom convinced that it's not your fault.



[No Subject]

Looks like the snows cleared up and the windows are back to normal. Awesome.



[Filtered from Elsa]

I really hope no one gives my sister a hard time. She didn't mean to do it, and we've both been through enough already.



[No Subject]

So...who is still missing as of now?



[No Subject]

Guess it's a comfort to know that no matter where you go, you can always find insensitive assholes.



[No Subject]

There is so much magic here... I didn't fully realize it before, but I do now. This whole place, it's magic. Strong magic.



[No Subject]

[Filtered against Annie]

So has anyone else here found out that you're dead to other people? How exactly do you go about dealing with that?



[No Subject]

[Filtered: Avengers, SHIELD + Birds of Prey]
I think yesterday went very well. The plan we followed -- Coulson's idea to get the Hulk to the city limits and take him out with tranquilizers worked, but it wouldn't have without the hard work and skills of all of you.

And of course I've got to thank Dum Dum and Peggy especially, because without their help, I'd be in a lot worse shape than I am now. In future, if anyone is thinking it? I really wouldn't recommend crashing a motorcycle into the Hulk.

Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of time to celebrate. It looks like there are still people missing and maybe this is something we ought to look into. We've also got to step things up a bit not only with recruiting, but with familiarizing ourselves with each other. So I'm suggesting an informal dinner tonight. Bring anyone who you believe might be an asset to the team.
[Filtered: Deadpool]
Okay. Let's talk.



Private to Hans

You and I need to talk.




[No Subject]

i kinda need some medical attention soon.



[No Subject]

Could everyone who is missing someone please let me know? I'd like to make a list of the missing so we know who we're looking for. Any additional information that you can offer would also be much appreciated.

[Filtered to the Birds of Prey & Mia]

It seems that Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Wondergirl are here. From what I can determine, their reality is not our own. Bart Allen is also here and unfortunately... he's not the Bart that we know. From what I can tell, he's had it rough and is using his abilities for personal gain. I see a little glimmer of the heart that our Bart has and I'm just hoping we can reach him before too much damage is done.

[Filtered to Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Wondergirl]

This might sound strange because you don't know me, but you are all people that I trust immensely in my reality. As you've all no doubt seen, this place needs a lot of help. There are a group of us getting together for dinner to figure out what to do about the disappearences and arsons going on. I'd like to bring you all along if you're willing to work with us.



[Filtered from Crane and Abbie.]

This might seem like an odd question, but has anyone noticed anyone that they know acting particularly strange recently?



[Filtered to Castiel]

[You have 1 Message]



[No Subject]

[Natasha Romanoff (canon)]
I'll talk to you because I'm sure you're the only one who has any sense at all: what happened yesterday. I think my brother is convinced that the Excalibur hotel and casino somehow offended Tony Stark's honor which then had to be defended by Dr. Banner.

... Which, granted, doesn't seem that unlikely.



[No Subject]

Private to Possessed!Sam

I will find you and when I do, you will regret that things you did to Alex and to Sam.



[No Subject]

[Filtered: Demon!Sam Matthews]
I'm coming for you.



[No Subject]

It's not far I miss out on all the fun yesterday. Just because I got hit by a damn mailbox! Come on!. Why could 't be a Portole potty, now that would have been funnier than a mailbox?



[No Subject]

What was that big green thing?



[No Subject]

Spoilers for Seeds )



[No Subject]

So...not sure what this all is, but... Hello?



[No Subject]

Alright, ladies... Captain Carswell Thorne at your service. Stay calm and find something to hold onto...I've been known to take women on quite the ride.

[No Subject]

This...isn't mine.




We have a problem and trust me I'm just over the moon that I have to come to you with it, but it's time to hold hands and play nice for awhile.



Birds of Prey

Just an idea. Mia without sorry Dinah Oliver and we seem to be stuck here for now. Feelings on making her a Birds of Prey member?

We don't have an archer and she's a good shot.



[Filtered to Castiel]

Someone's been a bad boy.