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Posts Tagged: 'charlie+bradbury+%28au%29'

Feb. 6th, 2014



[No Subject]

Okay, so now that I've got the weird out of the way. Or, I mean, at least better established that what's going on here is weird, and what I'd look like if I were a woman. I guess it's time to figure out what we're going to do about it, so.

Avengers? Assemble.

(I'm Tony Stark. Obviously)

Feb. 3rd, 2014



[No Subject]

Seems like there's a lot of bad stuff goin' down around here lately.  So... here's where I try to do everyone a solid yet again.

Message to all the Tony Starks here. I got NO idea why there's more than one. Or why one's an uncomfortably attractive woman. But regardless.

I'm not sure how alike our respective universes are, but where I'm from? The Guardians of the Galaxy (sweet name, right? I had to pester the hell out of Quill to get him to use it) and Iron Man have helped each other on several occasions (ok, if we're being honest, it's more like we pulled your collective world's ass out of the fire several times). 

Until my teammates can find me and get me outta here, any chance you could use a hand? Or paw as it were? Flarkin' hell... I'm a genius-level tactician, and one of the galaxy's best marksmen. I'm going nuts sitting here with nothing to do.

Come on. I helped take down flarking THANOS. Like I can't help protect one lousy city?

Jan. 31st, 2014



[Private to Charlie]

Hey. I'm Bobby -- a friend of Sam and Dean. I wanted to thank you for the ring.

Jan. 28th, 2014



[Filtered to SPN Family - as many as Charlie has met so far]

I made a ton more rings. Tried to base it off the sizes of your Doppelgangers so here's hoping. You guys can stop by my room to get them if you want. I made more hex bags too, but I ran out of ingredients so this will be the last of them.

Jan. 27th, 2014



[No Subject]

I'm so confused... How is something like this even possible?

Jan. 25th, 2014



[Filtered to Sam Winchester (Canon)]

Hey so

Remember when there were two Deans? And then remember how later there were two Sam's?



[No Subject]

You are all safe now. From me. No more quakes. At least not caused by me. I can't do anything about the natural ones.

I'm so sorry, Tim.



[No Subject]

Well, that reminded me of when I made a crater out of Sunnydale.

Jan. 24th, 2014



[No Subject]

Ugh, someone... Someone confirm that I'm not just here because liquor was involved.



[No Subject]


This is new form of torture.



[No Subject]

I need help! My name is Katie Nolan and I've been kidnapped! Two men just grabbed me and threw me into a van! I don't know what they want or where I am. Please somebody help me. I just want to go home!

Jan. 23rd, 2014



[No Subject]


I've bounced to some weird places, but this is the freakiest,. I may not be the smartest girl alive, but even I can tell this isn't really Vegas. Or possibly even earth.

Can someone tell what the heck is going on? Is anyone I know even here???

Man... someone is about to get a metric ton of DARK VENGEANCE dropped on 'em....



[No Subject]

[Filtered to hackers computer geniuses]

I think it's time we all meet up and see what we can do around here. Ballroom F. 700 PM.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


[No Subject]

This isn't Rome. Seriously, what the hell? A trickster, maybe?

Mom? Krissy? Are you two out there?

Jan. 21st, 2014



[Filtered to SPN Family MINUS Cas]

So um...I was reading through the net and we have a mini red flag. Nothing to worry about. I'm gonna take care of it, though. Everyone just...act natural. I'm going to filter you guys in so you can see what he says, but we'll keep this convo just between me and Cas, okay? We don't want him to get any more suspicious than he already is.

[Filtered to SPN Family AND Cas]

Cas? We kind of had a new arrival. Are you still staying with Meg? Kevin showed up at my door last night and I was gonna put him up in your room if you're not using it for the foreseeable future.

Jan. 20th, 2014


[No Subject]



Because I totally wasn't just in Kansas.

Saddest part? This doesn't even really shock me. I don't even think it's the strangest thing I've seen today.

Bring it on.

Jan. 16th, 2014



[Private to Castiel]

Hey so

bit of a roommate faux pas and all but

I was wondering if while you're staying with Meg I might borrow your room? I'm trying to heat this place us but it's just too big. I think I can use your bigger bathroom to at least keep the bedroom warm though if I flood the place with hot water. Do you mind?

Jan. 15th, 2014



[No Subject]

[Backdated to to occur during this]

[Filtered to the SPN Family]

Going to need some help from the pencil pushers.
Room 813 the residence of Remus Lupin and Wanda Wilson is quite the sight.
You'll have to get a look to really understand the destruction but I'm pretty sure I smell sulfur.


Remus Lupin?
Wanda Wilson?

What is the structure of authority in this place? There is an emergency.

Jan. 14th, 2014



[No Subject]

Vegas definitely wasn't what I expected.

Oh well. I guess it beats going back to being dead.

Jan. 11th, 2014



[Filtered to Castiel]


There's a girl missing. Sulfur in the room. I'm not accusing Meg, but do you think it's worth asking her if she knows anything? Maybe another demon is in the building? A girl has gone missing.