
March 2014



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Posts Tagged: 'sally+blevins+%28canon%29'

Mar. 4th, 2014



[No Subject]

Well I am in need of a night out that does not involve me getting into a fight with some hideous creature. Anyone up for a stroll, food, gym?

I don't drink so that may be

Mar. 1st, 2014



Filtered to Deadpool

Woke up to the sound of screaming! Have you seen the madness outside?! What the hell is going one!?

Do you think I'm ready for this? Maybe we should get everyone together for this. X-Men and your people.

Feb. 21st, 2014



Filtered to Haluficer!Sam Winchester

Hey... I could us do you are you busy?

Feb. 20th, 2014



Filtered to X-Men

Storm's gone!

I cannot find her anywhere!



not filter right

Clay, it was my doing

[it should had read this like this
“Clay this wasn’t my doing” ]

Feb. 18th, 2014



Moments after looking through the net

(ooc: Sally's laptop activated her webcam after she was looking through the net. The webcam caught her changing for bed, then she went to erase it and it posted it, though she thinks it's erased. Have fun)
NSFW, fail!laptop )

Feb. 14th, 2014



Accidental Voice Post

I really hate this holiday, but I know it was your favorite. Sorry I'm also spending it alone like you hoped I never would... But I'm..[Sigh] Forget it.

Happy Valentines Day, mom. Miss you every day.
[Heavy sigh and shuffling around]

Feb. 12th, 2014


[No Subject]

Logan? Kitty? Anyone here?

Feb. 11th, 2014



[No Subject]

Ugh, my head...

[Filtered to those that fought Frost Giants]
What's happened since those Giants showed up? Apparently, I've been unconscious. Should probably get better with my powers. I have not been conscious the past few days. Are they gone? Anyone find out what they wanted? Or who brought them here?

Feb. 4th, 2014



Filtered to Castiel ([info]wastedgrace )

Shit, I don't know how to talk about this
I'm just gonna
Listen. I know this is something that you are probably use to coping with. Demons and possession. But I am not. It was something out of worst nightmares which I'm still having, the things I it did, the things it made me watch.... it was a lot to handle. But I'm managing...

I just wanted to clear the air between us from this... for both of us or just for me... whichever. I talked to Sam and he explained as much as he could and as much as I could handle about your world, about demons and everything to that nature. So, I just wanted to say... what do I want to say

I understand the things that happened between us... everything that happened between us... had nothing to do with you nor myself personally. That it was something we could not control, I hope you aren't as big an ass something I shouldn't blame myself or you for. I'm not comfortable meeting you, yet I hope you can understand that and the fact that I'm saying this through the net and not to you personally. I know the latter would be better manners but I can't just yet but I think some of this will still take time for me to fully process.

Thanks for reading thisand hopefully understanding,
Sally Blevins

Feb. 1st, 2014



[No Subject]


Jan. 30th, 2014



[No Subject]

Filtered to Sam Winchester([info]truevessel)
I am having nightmaresDo you think we could spend some timeit might be possible for us to talk? I just want to know what is normal, Ineed to know I'm not cra'm still a little shaken. Could use a friend someone to talk to.

Jan. 23rd, 2014



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]
I feel like I need to come clean about the fires, it seems to still have everyone on edge. I killed people, and hurt more

Jan. 18th, 2014



Filtered from all demons.

This place is getting to be crowded, and more and more things keep happening. It's very chaotic. just the way I like it

Jan. 14th, 2014



[No Subject]


Now wouldn't Daddy be proud. A land of Fire and Ice with mischief and blood on the inside.

Sally sweetie, why don't you go and check on Mr. Confidence?
We don't want him to catch a chill from this little storm.

Jan. 13th, 2014



[No Subject]

Filtered to Demon!Cas
How was that, darling?

Jan. 12th, 2014



[No Subject]

[Filtered to all demons except Meg]

Seems the Winchester with the angel is asking around about sulfur and he plans to check out the fire. It appears my little flame party at the shop is drawing attention. Finally.

The Alex woman that was curious about it, caught on that it was meant to look like an accident but all the evidence she finds will send her on a wild goose chase. I'm making sure of that.



[No Subject]

I checked out that fire yesterday, everything was badly burned. It looked like it could have been an accident, but I'm not so sure.

Jan. 11th, 2014



[No Subject]


The Gossip of the Day lovelies:

We may have a traitor among us.

The Loyalist demon known as Meg Masters has a very strange and unusual relationship with the Winchester's and my little meatsack here.

I am in the process of testing her motivations. For now though share absolutely no information with this demon because it might get back to the hunters.



[Filtered to Demons and Against Meg]

I found something interesting.