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January 14th, 2014



[No Subject]

Vegas definitely wasn't what I expected.

Oh well. I guess it beats going back to being dead.



[No Subject]

Vegas certainly wasn't on my list of things to do today, but I'll take it!

Now, anyone want to direct me to the nearest blackjack table? Or where I can get a really good beer? I'd sure appreciate it!



[No Subject]

I wish I could say that being transported to Vegas when I'm pretty sure that I just died was the weirdest thing to ever happen to me.

It's not even on the top ten.



[No Subject]

Please excuse the random question, but this is one I can't avoid asking, when I asked room service for oil, they laughed at me.

Where can I get oil at here?

[No Subject]

Hells Bells. What is this?



[No Subject]

Someone has a lot of explaining to do stat.



[No Subject]

One moment we're in Paris... the next I'm here.

It took only a slight look at details to know that wherever I am, this isn't really Las Vegas. It's entirely possibly (probable?) that this is some sort of pocket dimension, a place entirely unto itself. Which lends itself to the following questions:

1.) Why look like Vegas?
2.) Why are the people here chosen? How do we all tie together?
3.) Who is responsible for this happening?



[No Subject]


Alright... admittedly I'm VERY confused right now. Clearly this isn't Metropolis.... but I get the distinct feeling this isn't really Las Vegas either.

Trying to remain positive, but I admit to finding this all very concerning.

At least my powers seem to be intact... I have a feeling I'm going to need them.



[No Subject]

This is bad. Really bad. I can't be here. Mab's gonna kill me.



[No Subject]

Alright, this is really freaking me out. I'm supposed to be in Hawaii, I just got back. I just got Adam back. I can't be in Las Vegas, and yet I can't seem to leave either.



[No Subject]

So now people are talking? Did I cause that? This is too weird.



[No Subject]

One starts to wish if the spectres who watch us constantly are going to talk that they'd actually say something. Am I the only one who finds everyone they have spoken to sounds the same? Their voices vary only slightly and they all have the same inflections and say the same things over and over.

If you are conducting business that you hope to remain unobserved during, I would not speak in front of them.



[No Subject]

I can't believe I'm going to be nineteen in a week. Can I be home then? I want to spend my birthday with my mom.



Filtered to Elsa

Directions to location.

Meet me there in one hour.



[No Subject]

The people here are useless.

Who's in charge here?



[No Subject]

Lovely. A influx of new arrivals who are utterly as useless as those already here.

[No Subject]

Justine. Where are you? You better be here... I know you're here, lover. Where are you?



[No Subject]

...This is not my house.

Jessica? Jess, honey, we need to talk.

Carrie, I don't know what game you're playing, but it isn't funny.



[No Subject]

I'm Agent Elizabeth Keen, anyone care to explain me what the hell is going on?




[No Subject]

I'd like a word.
[The Winter Soldier]
It is truth what they say: Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd -- Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd.. There's someone who wants a hand in handing Rogers over to you. I like her.



[No Subject]

Why was I kidnapped to Vegas?

My daddy is the best cop around, him, Uncle Steve, and the rest of my family will find me.



[No Subject]

It seems to me that we are certainly wasting an opportunity here. Instead of pointlessly searching for someone in charge, we should take the leadership of this place in our own hands. There are enough of us here that, organized, we should be able to at least discover some of the secrets of this place.



Voice post

[Hesitantly said]




[No Subject]

This isn't the Capital doings....I know this, I just need to keep telling myself this.

I need to get me and Finn home, now.

Private to any Avengers

There is a second Natasha here and be forewarned she is dangerous.



[No Subject]

I think I liked it better then they didn't talk.



[No Subject]

From what I understand... there are people in danger here. And someone named Captain America is being looked at as the chosen defender of this place. If you're reading this, Captain, I'd very much like to meet with you. I'm certain we could do a lot more together for the people here than either of us could do alone.



[No Subject]

I need a hair cut.



[No Subject]

Them people may be talkin' but they ain't saying nothing worth hearing.

[Veronica Mars]
You settled in your fancy new place all right? Me? 'M enjoying having the place to myself.



[No Subject]

This place gets more unsettling the longer I'm here.



[No Subject]

Huh. This isn't what I was expecting when I woke up this morning.

Just lovely.

[No Subject]

This is not where I planned on going.

Derek? Please tell me you're here. I think I can smell you but it really stinks here.

[No Subject]

I demand to have an explanation for what force brought me here. I do not tolerate being ripped away from my home and duties on Asgard like this. I have responsibilities I need to get to, and I do not have time for this.



[No Subject]

I love Vegas as much as the next girl, but I at least like to plan my vacations before I go.

Anyway. I'm Jen Walters, and if anyone could point me in the direction of the nearest bar, that'd be fantastic.



[No Subject]


Now wouldn't Daddy be proud. A land of Fire and Ice with mischief and blood on the inside.

Sally sweetie, why don't you go and check on Mr. Confidence?
We don't want him to catch a chill from this little storm.