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May. 16th, 2017


"What is your greatest talent or skill?" - 6:49am

Probably my grip strength. Which will come in handy, no pun intended, if I ever get the chance to strangle one of you.

Apr. 25th, 2017


Cecilia Rynbë - 12:14pm

Okay, so far things are leaning only slightly in the direction of doing this ourselves. There's still some discussion and a handful of people that haven't made their opinion known either way.

Does anyone want to present an argument in either direction? Or should we take an official vote now?

Apr. 20th, 2017


Cecilia Rynbë - 9:04am

Lord, here we go again. So what's everyone thinking?

Apr. 17th, 2017


Cecilia Rynbë - 11:40am

So in looking around the house and cleaning up where I could, I'm finding some creatures that are [...] concerning. I know things like snakes and spiders are very common phobias, so no part of this is going to be fun, but some of these things may be dangerous. I very much hope that they are not, but it's best to be prepared.

When it comes to snakes, there are a couple of ways to spot venomous species native to the US, and that's the extent of my knowledge, unfortunately. Non-venomous snakes have more spoon-shaped heads; venomous snakes have a more triangular shaped head. I believe most breeds of non-venomous snakes are typically one color as well, while poisonous ones are striped or multi-colored (except the cottonmouth - again, head shape is the best thing to look for). If anything has a rattling tail, leave it alone. Try and block off the area and post to the network about where it is so someone can get rid of it.

If you see spiders with any kinds of markings on their back, do the same thing.

If anything bites you, come see me at once just to be safe.

Apr. 16th, 2017


i<3Fletcher: 1:45pm

Right, so, I've been doing what I can to collect the snakes and mice and froggies and rats? But there's like no chance I can save them all. There's not even anywhere to put all of them! If you have somewhere to keep an animal safe, I think it'd be cool if you did it, and I'll totally take care of them and check on them and stuff until it's warm enough to let them go, or they just sort of get taken out, I guess? This is way out of my league though. I've already got like eight mice in this terrarium, and a couple little froggies in some vases and pitchers. Sorry if you're looking for vases and pitchers.

Apr. 7th, 2017


Cecilia Rynbë - 9:02am

This is not something I want to do, nor something I should have to do - and yet I feel that I do. Because if it's going to come out in any way, it needs to be from me.

Two years ago, I was abducted. A man had been stalking me for a little over two years at that point, and despite the police telling me I was doing everything correctly, he still got in my house one day, knocked me out, and put me in the trunk of his car. He intended to kill me, and had documented as much in the journals the police later found. He drove me out into the middle of nowhere and held me at gunpoint, and I managed to disarm him. We struggled over the weapon, and in that struggle, I killed him.

I was never charged with anything. It was ruled an act of self defense. It was a very painful time in my life, and I don't like to talk about it. But They've made a point of calling me a murderer in the past to get a reaction out of me, so I decided to try and take that weapon away from them.


PM to Owen - 8:49am

[...] My head's in a weird place.

So this subject zero thing. I'm pretty sure it's Them, but I'm also sure it doesn't matter either way. I'm thinking... [...] It would probably be pretty bad if it outs me as the murderer with no explanation. [...] And I'm thinking a lot of other things I like even less than that.
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jujube: 9am

did we forget to clean, shear, put shit away...? because the bug situation got worse, y'all. i went to the kitchen earlier this morning and fuck that.
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Mar. 31st, 2017


Private to Simms - 8:13am

Hey, big guy! You don't mind if anyone knows about you and Lila, right?

[PM to Cecilia]
Hey, so when they dished out the prizes to everyone They apparently decided to give me a few of the ones that people who vanished were supposed to get. You have any use for a book on psychology now that the actual psychologist guy is gone?

Mar. 23rd, 2017


Cecilia Rynbë - 7:04am

[...] Jack's room is empty. I'm sorry, guys.

Mar. 15th, 2017


noah richardson : 9:36AM

is this real?

am I here? I don't kn

Is anyone still here who was in the house from days 1 to 15?

Mar. 14th, 2017


Subject #5554ACO1 - 9:31am

Someone want to open the fucking door?

Mar. 15th, 2017


Sterling - 9.06am

Precisely who do I have to fornicate with to get out of

Look, I like a bit of roleplay as much as the next bloke. Though generally, I prefer to be doctor and the I.V. is taking it a bit far. Seven out of ten for authenticity. I probably shouldn't detract points for putting comfort over realism, but the door is locked and I have no idea how I got here.


Temple - 10.39am

This isn't where it should be.

"Open Me" is missing "Drink Me" and "Eat Me", but there are no mirrors in here so it has nothing to do with a Looking Glass.

This isn't right.
My arm won't stop bleeding. Charming.

Mar. 14th, 2017


Cecilia Rynbë - 8:14am

[...] Reginald's been removed again. [...] I hope he's safe back in his cottage. I hope [...] Sorry, guys.

Mar. 8th, 2017


Cecilia Rynbë - 5:39PM

I'm organizing a trip into town tomorrow afternoon. I know we said we'd try to keep the snowcat for emergencies only, but having so many new people in at one time (5), it makes a lot of sense to just make one special trip of it so they can hit Cassi's and anywhere else they'd need. Let's say 1 PM?

IF YOU WOKE UP HERE TODAY, I highly suggest you come with us. We'll get you clothes, we'll stop by the pharmacy and get you whatever else you need, show you around, that sort of thing.

IF you've been here a while but want to go anyway, let me know. The newbies are gonna have priority, but if we have more room then we'll see what we can manage.

I also left a couple of stacks of clothes in the foyer by the front door. Sweats, t-shirts, socks, that kind of thing. Newbies, help yourselves, and we'll get you something better tomorrow.

Feb. 24th, 2017


PM to Owen, Oliver, Kate, Pam - 9:57am

I just got back from meeting with one of the newbies, Lisa. The things she said on the network concerned me and I wanted to talk to her in person. She told me some stuff, and gave me permission to tell the council.

Basically, she'd unmedicated schizo-affective. That means she's got some symptoms of schizophrenia and a mood disorder - either bipolar or depression. I didn't ask, but after talking with her I assume the former. People with this disorder tend to have abnormal thought processes, disorganized thinking, that kind of thing. She says hallucinations are normal, insists she's never endangered anyone, never been suicidal, only hurt herself on accident once before. Then again, Marco once insisted he'd never be a danger to anyone

She was rather upbeat, over the moon when she saw the craft room. She said she hasn't been on medication for a long time because it basically turns her into a zombie, and she's happier this way. She talked a lot about just embracing what she was and liking it, which I suppose is a healthy way of looking at it, but... well, with what we've been through in the past, the whole thing concerns me.

They picked the worst time ever to pull Erran out, and I can't help but feel like it was quite intentional. I'm not willing to force medications on this girl straight out of the gate. It's just not right. But I think we do need to keep an eye out for her.

On an unrelated note, with all these newbies, I think it'd probably be a good idea to organize a trip into Cassi's with the snowcat. I know we said emergencies only, but it'd be easier to do it as a group than back and forth on the snowmobiles.

Feb. 23rd, 2017


Quill III: 8:36 a.m.

I'm only doing this because I need to get in the bathroom and I'm really hoping one of these doors will open and let me in there. My mouth tastes like something died in there.

But just one thing before I do that; subject #? I.V.? Hospital gown? Did Christina find out about the secretary last weekend and pay someone to mess with me? This seems just a little illegal and unethical.


Owen - PM to Pam

So with Erran gone, are you up for helping us out on the Council? I wanted to check with you before taking any further action.


Subject #5530ACO5 - 8:56am

is this a hospital,? im fucking confuzed

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