April 17th, 2017

[info]bloominsnow in [info]zenithnetwork

Cecilia Rynbë - 11:40am

So in looking around the house and cleaning up where I could, I'm finding some creatures that are [...] concerning. I know things like snakes and spiders are very common phobias, so no part of this is going to be fun, but some of these things may be dangerous. I very much hope that they are not, but it's best to be prepared.

When it comes to snakes, there are a couple of ways to spot venomous species native to the US, and that's the extent of my knowledge, unfortunately. Non-venomous snakes have more spoon-shaped heads; venomous snakes have a more triangular shaped head. I believe most breeds of non-venomous snakes are typically one color as well, while poisonous ones are striped or multi-colored (except the cottonmouth - again, head shape is the best thing to look for). If anything has a rattling tail, leave it alone. Try and block off the area and post to the network about where it is so someone can get rid of it.

If you see spiders with any kinds of markings on their back, do the same thing.

If anything bites you, come see me at once just to be safe.