March 15th, 2017

[info]perishtwice in [info]zenithnetwork

noah richardson : 9:36AM

is this real?

am I here? I don't kn

Is anyone still here who was in the house from days 1 to 15?

[info]makeanimpact in [info]zenithnetwork

Temple - 10.39am

This isn't where it should be.

"Open Me" is missing "Drink Me" and "Eat Me", but there are no mirrors in here so it has nothing to do with a Looking Glass.

This isn't right.
My arm won't stop bleeding. Charming.

[info]wearyourhazmat in [info]zenithnetwork

Sterling - 9.06am

Precisely who do I have to fornicate with to get out of

Look, I like a bit of roleplay as much as the next bloke. Though generally, I prefer to be doctor and the I.V. is taking it a bit far. Seven out of ten for authenticity. I probably shouldn't detract points for putting comfort over realism, but the door is locked and I have no idea how I got here.

[info]movedthrough in [info]zenithnetwork

PM to Chase : 10:19AM

What're you doing? Are you busy?