October 9th, 2015

[info]bloominsnow in [info]zenithnetwork

Public Post, 9:26AM

Does anyone else feel as though we need a strategy going into this?

[info]sparktheflame in [info]zenithnetwork

[day 3]

Seriously, you fucking fucks? You want me to walk all the way out there again and I still have no pants and no shoes? How about I'll show up to your little doctor playtime when you drop a pair of nikes and some leggings in here? Otherwise, I would like to cordially invite you all to find the longest, thickest rubber dildo or actual dick you can find, caress it lovingly, and then fucking choke on it.

[info]evielution in [info]zenithnetwork

[Day 3 | 10:32am]

Fuck you.

Btw if any of you see a redhead in a wedding dress, don't ask about it. Thanks.

[info]movedthrough in [info]zenithnetwork

9:43 AM

Heeeeey, party people! How about all those fucking tests first thing in the morning before you can even get to your bathroom? I was not impressed.

Then there's the alien anal probes, I mean physical exam. Can't wait for that, how about you?

[info]thatdarnoctopus in [info]zenithnetwork

MarcoV: 10:24am

Anyone who's planning on going down to town for this shit still here? I need to get down there, but I'm pretty slow-moving today. Could really use an assist. I know, I know, I probably should have left my room earlier. I'm kind of surprised that they didn't give us a physical when they grabbed us and knocked us out. This is super convenient, thanks guys.