October 2nd, 2015

[info]takingaim in [info]zenithnetwork


words. words. words. the end.

[info]contradictme in [info]zenithnetwork


Does anyone know if the pool is heated?

[info]manchildish in [info]zenithnetwork

Jack - 9:02am

How does everybody like their eggs?

Any vegetarians/vegans in the house?

Edited at 9:15am: Heading down to the kitchen now. You want grub, show up.

[info]perishtwice in [info]zenithnetwork

8:21 AM

Adversity introduces a man to himself.

-Albert Einstein

[info]bloominsnow in [info]zenithnetwork


I'm leaving for the town now. My main goals are the hospital and a pharmacy, if there is one. Anyone that's decided to search for supplies, whether in the house or in the town, please keep an eye out for any medication. Thanks.

[info]almost_perfect in [info]zenithnetwork

[day 2] 8:15am

I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish here. You're clearly aware that abducting us all is illegal. If there's some great purpose you're trying to achieve, why would you not just ask? There are only a few places that particular train of thought leads, and none of them make me any more inclined to cooperate with you.