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Aug. 11th, 2011


Hey everyone! Since I only recognize a few people I'll introduce myself as well as my characters. I'm Dawn and I'm a children's bookseller. I live in Iowa which puts me firmly in CST. And I'm looking forward to this game because it looks awesome already. :D Right now I have two characters though given my lack of self control I'm sure that there will be others.

First I have Willow "Will" Marten (this journal). She's starting up her last year at Salem Prep and thrilled (and kind of freaked out but shhhh) about making the Salem school team. She's a hybrid jock/geek and is equally comfortable around either group though she has to admit in her heart of hearts that she's usually just a little bit more comfortable around the geeks. She's a good student who is likely to pay attention in class and make comments sometimes when people just want her to shut up. Secretly she's kind of glad that she had to choose between arithmancy and Divination this year because she'd been looking for an excuse t drop the former but since her dad is the Arithmancy teacher at Salem she would never have been able to do it there. She's pretty friendly unless you're a hipster or a snob then she probably keeps her distance. The rest of her profile can be found here.

Second is Annika "Nikki" Worple [info]new_perfect . Nikki is a sixth year Gryffindor who's mouth gets her in trouble entirely too often. She's a staunch individualist who is more than used to having to pay the price for being herself (detention is a common occurance for her). She's a bit standoffish if she doesn't know you but once she counts you as a friend then she'll go through hell for you. For all that she's all "yeah individualism" she's also kind of self conscious (especially about B-O-Y-S) which often makes her defensive. She refuses to join clubs though maintains she would make an exception if the school got a newspaper or a literary journal. If you can't find her, she's probably in the library but don't think that makes her a good student. She's indifferent at best in her classwork and drives the professors crazy because it's clear from what she does actually do that she's a bright girl. She just simply doesn't care. The rest of Nikki's info can be found here

Both of my girls need a little love (or hate considering they both are kind of mouthy in their own ways) :D

And me, I like the love part not so much with the hate but if you want to talk to me I'm around most evenings. My AIM is feybookgirl, email d_coulter@yahoo.com and my CDJ is [info]book_muse .


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