June 2012



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Feb. 14th, 2012


Valentine's Dance Performance

At breakfast this morning, Hugo came dressed particularly snappy and sang When I Get You Alone. Only...it wasn't to Sonali, it was to Kingsley. He even had a rose for Kingsley.

However, I believe at some point Lala would have attacked him (Lis - would she wait until NOT in the Great Hall?) and someone would need to break that up.

Sonali, we give you so many apologies >.>

So, reactions can go here or in journals etc!

Also, as an OOC note, I have extremely limited internet access at home right now. But I will reply/tag stuff as I can from work too.

Dec. 2nd, 2011


Helloooo. So the snowball fight list is basically finished, but we need one more spot filled for team orange! Also please let me know if I missed anyone or got someone's team wrong or whatever. There was like 200 comments and I am sleep-deprived so @_@

Oct. 19th, 2011


HI. It's Cindy with number three here! Completing the set of 7th year Gryffindors is this mofo: Kingsley Keep-Calm-and-Carry-On Shacklebolt. That's not actually his middle name (it's Alastor, whatever), but you can read more about him here!

Yes, Kingsley Shacklebolt is the son of the former Minister, but you'd probably be surprised at how nonchalantly he deals with it. In fact, there isn't much that can really harsh out his mellow. He's a human chill pill: relaxed, easygoing, calm. However, this Hakuna-Matata mindset also means he can be pretty lazy, in that he prefers to coast by on his natural talents. It's not that he's aimless (he TOTALLY wants to be an Auror), but if there's no point in going the extra mile, why bother? He's a pretty good friend in that he'll listen to you whinge and rant, but he refuses to get involved in your drama, because that's your business, not his. Basically? He's the kid telling everybody to calm their tits.

Other points of (varying) importance:
• Caught in a rad bromance with Frank Longbottom. The two are basically thick as thieves and brothers from different mothers.
• Has a hotass Latina girlfriend (that Lis is currently apping). They've been going steady for over two years. Yeah, two years. U MAD?
• Used to be a Chaser for Gryffindor from second to fourth year, but he got injured a few years ago, and hasn't bothered to get back into hardcore!Quidditch mode since. It's still fun to play, but Kingsley knows he's not all that serious about it, so he didn't bother trying out for the team.
• Loves dueling. BLOODY LOVES IT. He's your Dueling Club president this year, and he wants you to join, because a) he wants to be an Auror and this is good practice, y/y? and b) it'd be a fun extracurricular for the students who don't curr about Quidditch (though Quidditch kids can also partake on the fun!) but want an outlet and a good way to learn about different dueling techniques! Knowing Kingsley though, he'll probably make it as chillax as possible, since there's a lot going on this year. SO, UM. TALK TO HIM IF YOU'RE INTERESTED?! HE WILL GLADLY ACCEPT YOU INTO THE FOLD.

Let's see! Plots would be Moste Awesome! He hangs around the Gryffindors a lot, so there's a wide scope for interaction, but he's definitely not the type to constrain himself to the Lion's Den. And maybe one or two girls that he briefly dated in fourth year (and by "dated", I mean took along to fancy-schmancy Ministry events that required a date and the occasional Hogsmeade weekend -- nothing too serious). Friendships, not!friendships, the whole she-bang, whatever you want?! -- LET'S TALK.

And of course, I'm always down for plots regarding Dominique and Jana! Hit me. :)
