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Oct. 24th, 2011


OKAY OKAY HAAAI! It's Rose again, maxing out my character limit, creepin' on your plots. I like video games and long walks on the beach etc.

And this boy is my last character. He's named Spock August, 7th year Ravenclaw who has a psychotic family with a history of being 'magical purists' and Dark Arts freaks. They are kind of like the wizarding equivalent of some sort of mafia/cult, I guess, and August's father oversees MOST of the black market smuggling that is done in Western Europe.

SO, that's his family, and August happens to be not much like them on the inside. He's kind of dry and logical and honest as a first impression, but he's definitely not against conversing or interacting with people and despite the fact that he's usually pretty monotone about everything, he actually does like people! Uh, what else. He was born/raised in South Africa, and he also speaks German and Africaans (therefor is able to survive in Dutch! I look at you, Katja and Dani) and has a pretty bad memory when he doesn't deem something important enough to store. So that might frustrate some people. And he's kinda judging you in his icon. Just so you know.

Idek what else to say man, but you're welcome to check out his profile because I was way more amazingly detailed in that, I promise!

But he needs plot! Friends, enemies, flings, the whole dizzy, yo. Come at me. ...Or him.

Oh oh, fun fact: He has never had the same pet at school for longer than a year. It's a mystery!


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