June 2012



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Jan. 27th, 2012



The interview I went for at le lunch time? I GOT IT!!!!!

So I just wanted to SHARE THE HAPPIES and say THANKS, BROS, 'cause you're all so sweet and supportive and I appreciate so much.

My face right now:

As far as rp goes, I am hoping I can be online a similar amount of time to what I've been able to so far BUT will see how I go, and probs not for the first week - I'll most likely stick to my phone.

Jan. 18th, 2012


The Veritaserum Meme!!

Hey, feinted, hey.

Remember that time I was bored at work and I made up a meme?

Well, this time I'm being lazy and reusing one since we have 65454346 newbies.


The Veritaserum Meme!!

Comment with one of your characters (or a post for each if you feel so inclined) names and the other players can ask you questions about that character! Now, treat it as if they're under a heavy dose of Veritaserum, because you gotta answer truthfully, even if the character would normally lie about the answer.


ALL OF THIS IS OOC KNOWLEDGE. Nothing said here that your char wouldn't know in game can be used there. That's like Godmodly unfuns and DOUBLE PLUS UNGOOD. Nobody wants that.

Share the loves! If someone's thread looks a little little, go ask soemthing, even if it's about favourite colours. Finding out more about characters builds appreciation thereof.

Dun be bitches.


Jan. 13th, 2012


Hold on to your peticoats, ladies!

Might I present for your righteously royal and perfect pleasure: Philip Thomas Albert Cornelius Balliol Delaval, Viscount of Brinkeburn.

He is:

Here. meet him.

♦ 7th yr Slyth, muggleborn nobility (blue mud? SURE) & former Slyth beater. The position is so much like polo, which he's been playing most of his life.

♦ A GQMF. Sometimes. Othertimes he is ridic and a dork and setting the kitchen ON FIRE. But he tends to smooth and charming, with a hefty dose of Responsible Young Man.

♦ A rower, every morning on the lake, when he can. You can watch if you really want to, but he'll try to ignore

♦ Good at the pureblood/Slyth cunning games - his people invented them, don't you know?

♦ Aiming to get into Wizarding arm of St Andrews University. Hence, taking minimal classes (5+ MCR. Which he's calling Social Studies, because really. Also, he has to focus on the grooming/preparation stuff for HOPEFUL future political life. This is also why he didn't attempt the team.)

♦ 42nd in line for the throne.

♦ Close with the Boot family. His dad and Max's mum formed a political alliance of sorts and it was Gabriel that suggested he might be a wizard.

♦ Planning to get his coat of arms tattooed on his shoulderblade when he turns 18. It's not a vanity thing, but a sign of what his family and responsibility mean to him.

♦ Ex-boyfriend of Lala (pre-Kingsley. Sense a theme? :P). It was amicable. If you want to also submit an ex, amicable or not, let me know!

♦ Judging your table manners. No, really.

♦ Eager for plotz! Come make franz plz.

Jan. 12th, 2012


Sup lovers, brothers and character mothers! Just for a quick plotly FYI of things that are happening but won't have a chance to be scened.

Because Raisa and I are cruel wicked mean mummies awesome and Hayley is also agreeable to boot, we're torturing Ros. Just a little.

You may have noticed Dani gabbing about her bitchin Christmas ring from everyone's favourite head boy. She can press it against someone (third years, brothers) and give them a mild shock with the right words. In actuality, this was completely platonic and, I believe, delivered by owl. No soft-focus lenz, no snowflakes caressing flushed cheeks, no M7RC playing oh-so-romantically in the background. Ros, however, is reading things into the whole situation (namely the significance of the brooch she receieved as opposed to Dani's ring) so we decided to give her a few more things to read.

To this end, Dani was sitting in MCR before class admiring the ring (because YAY tazer) which isn't helping Ros any in believing it's simply a platonic gift. Then in the prefect meeting yesterday she made a point to sit next to Jerry and thank him for it, Ros being too busy stewing to notice the conversation remained as friendly small talk.
Dani and Jerry are both completely oblivious to her ~inner turmoil and have no romantic interst in each other.

Ladyfriends of Ros if you saw any of this, have at it! I'm not sure who elae this is relevant to but it makes me laugh and I'm proud of doing html stuff on le train so you have to read it.


The end. Love Jane (and co-conspirators Raisa and Hayley)

Jan. 3rd, 2012



Sup lovers.

This is Aindréas Ianto Finnigan, my looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong promised 5th Ravie boy!!! (He will answer to Andrew, but he HATES Andy. And also would only answer to Byron for 6 mths last year after Lily broke his heart)

He is:

♦ Clover's half bro. THAT IS ALL A BIT CONFUZZLING (for them too) but basically, he has two much older half siblings from his mum, and Clover from his dad. He doesn't call any of them "half" and is pretty defensive of his family.

♦ A poet. A terrible one, but he thinks he is ~gifted. He will post his own terrible crap, and also good ones from ACTUAL poets when I AM INSPIRED.

♦ Former Rave reserve seeker

♦ Lily Potter's ex boyfriend.

♦ Very much an emotionally immature teenaged boy. In fact, I am gonna cut/paste some personality stuff in here:

Aindréas is painfully and obviously 1516. He’s got a good heart, but the obnoxious immaturity of his current age tends to mask that a bit, as well as the typical teenaged self interest that defines his world. Sure, he cares about his family and friends, but his ~pain or ~joy or whatever other heightened emotion he’s experiencing is paramount. He also has that joyfully teenaged perspective that he is the only right-thinking person in the world. Seriously, if you can’t all see that your opinion is completely erroneous, then you must be even more simple than he thought. Cue eyeroll.

As both the youngest and only shared child, there were occasions when he was humoured or spoiled a little, sometimes just to get him to shut up, and while he’s not necessarily a brat, Aindréas is essentially still learning that the rest of the world won’t be so indulgent.

ALSO GUYS HE'S NOT DEPRESSED. JUST FYI. I PROMISE HE'S NOT SAD ALL THE TIME, AND HE WEARS COLOURS. And if he was sad he's say he was melancholic, anyway ;)


Dec. 23rd, 2011


Christmas love/hiatus post etc

Ok y'all. My sister and brother-in-law get here tomorrow (Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!) and are here till Jan 2nd, so I will be around sparingly because I REALLY MISS HER FOR ONCE and I just...with everything going on I really need her right now. So Idk how much I'll be around, and char Christmas presents can wait till after real ones, kay?

But really, the important part of this post is UNDER LE CUT. CLICK IT.

HARK the ginger angels sing! )

Dec. 21st, 2011



An announcement! Scorpius and Seven had a run-in with a particularly vicious and free-minded piece of mistletoe-- one of the last ones standing-- after Scorpius' last exam, Astronomy, so at night, past 10. After some arguing and Scorpius consented to a kiss on the cheek (he says ughughughughugh) it STILL didn't let them go, apparently wanting more of a show, and eventually Scorpius got pissed enough (combined with the lack of sleep and stress from exams) to throw a vicious curse in the mistletoe's direction. Said mistletoe essentially decided IF I AM GOING DOWN, I AM TAKING YOU BOTH WITH ME and exploded. Yep.

He and Sev are in the Hospital Wing, where they will be for the night, to be let out in the morning to go back and get ready/pack/get on the train/go to the Prefects' meeting in Scor's case. The chances that they will sleep for this night: unlikely. The chances that they will snark at one another and generally get Zest upset with them: much better.

Feel free to have your characters have witnessed the disastrous events/perhaps helped get the two to the Wing/react to it/make fun of Scorpius forever and ever/etc.

Nov. 28th, 2011


Give em the old frazzle dazzle

So just as an FYI, most relevant to BB, 6th years and Dani's friends...

At the moment, Dani's pretty close to running herself into the ground. She's got 5 clubs, Quidditch, prefect duties and the BAT test at the end of the year, and between all of that and missing home leik woah and the run down to Christmas, she's on the verge of exhausting herself. Also the gala.
It doesn't help that she's been punishing herself for the loss to Salem (she feels she should have protected Alphonse in both games) with daily bludger practices and long evening runs.

So, feel free to notice she's been short/snappish or looks tired, not her usual approachable self, etc, and her friends/team can intervene/tell her to SLOW DOWN soon?

Cheers, bros.

Oct. 25th, 2011


Coming through, crazy witch on a mission!

Woo! So this is fun! Just wanted to paint you all this wonderful picture so everyone knows what happened late Monday night!

Following this conversation and this gift from Sev, Ava had a bit too much and went to find him, intending to talk things out.

She was incredibly enraged, though, and upon finding Sev in the corridors she confronted him. She yelled something along the lines of "Why would you do that?!" In true Sev fashion, he responded by telling her that "with all the boys trailing after [her], [she] should have developed a taste for meat by now." Horrified, Ava found herself screaming "Fodio" and casting the Stinging Hex at him to the surprise of everyone, especially her.

The hex knocked him square in the chest and though he was able to get up/to the hospital ward, he was clearly hit and starting to swell. Meanwhile, Ava headed back to the common room.

Sep. 30th, 2011


Woe, my darlings.

You get the POUTYFACE icon because tomorrow morning I am heading AWAY from you, the computer and civilization as we know it for the next two days, as I head off to Sports Fest, where I will be playing board games and not sport, because seriously, who does that?

I have no idea if I'll have mobile signal, let alone a place to charge, and the laptop is staying home, so I'll see you on the flip side.

ALSO two random OOC notes:

Sev's full name is SeptimIus. Second "i" in there ;)

Dani's question on the meme ("enjoy the view?") was just me being bored/a tool. She's still very much mortified and trying to act as if she's not. I blame the hivemind of chat. Maybe. If I can.

- Jane
Dani & Sev

Sep. 26th, 2011


( . )( . )

Because I am a mean mummy...

Okay, Sunday morning at breakfast, Dani wasn't prepared for her body to change back quite so soon and was still dressed as an adorable boy. Her shirt really wasn't made to accommodate the return of her DDs (no, her pb doesn't have them. Shush. Artistic licence) and the buttons burst. OH MY.

Cue indignant squawking, grabbing at the tattered remnants of her clothes and grabbing the nearest blazer, all while blushing furiously before she stalked off to change (and try not to cry).

Insult to injury? She was returned to her natural brunette state.

So have at it if your character copped an eyeful/tried to help/felt sorry/laughed their ass off/told a bunch of other people.

Sep. 21st, 2011


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

Buenos dias, bitches!

This here is Septimius Rookwood! (Nicknames: Seven, Sev, Sept, Sep, WHATEVER YOU LIKE) He's a 6th Gryff (barely missed out on being a 7th yr, grumble etc), cousin to Sidney Savage, and...kind of a wanker, really. He says what he thinks, and he thinks most people are idiots. He's also the grandson of that Rookwood (the Death Eater one, and his bio links to my Death Eater Fest fic about that char, if you're interested) but he gives not two shits about blood purity.

Sev loves music and Quidditch but fails at both - to this end, he's the Quidditch commentator, though sometimes people question the decision to broadcast his thoughts. He's pretty much flexisexual - if he thinks you're hot, he wants you, and is happy to let you know it. His family is fairly rich, so he's a generous sort, which might seem at odds with his general arsienss, but there you go.


Sep. 1st, 2011


Makin franz

G'day Feinted Friends! My name is Jane, and I've been pressganged into this by Stevie and not-mod!Lauren! I adore them for it. I'm a 24 year old Aussie, not too hot about the long walks but the beach is great. AIM: miranthridel

I am COMING AT YOU from the other side of the world (!!!!!!) to bring you my little French girl.

Meet Danielle (Dani, please) Moyet, 6th year Beauxbâtons beater.

She's a muggleborn with a Dutch mother whose family has been making Cognac for generations. Dani's kind of sweetly snarky, LOVES to flirt and snog, and is happy to obliterate your expectations of what a wee little muggleborn is capable of.

Dani's naturallly a brunette but is in LOVE with Didi's hair and has been charming hers blonde for the last little while.

Dani's Timetable

UPDATE: Dani's Fact Sheet is now on her profile. Thanks, kids!
