June 2012



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Feb. 27th, 2012


There's a cold war in Hufflepuff.

Sup my darlings! Quick note to say that on Sunday night, Eddie and Corrie had a row in the Hufflepuff dormitories. Those poor roommates, ahahahaha. Emily and I are currently threading it but it's probably good to post this here for in-character knowledge~

For Hufflepuffs, Eddie carried on for a bit and then stormed out through the Common Room and to the boys' dormitories to give the baby to Robb. People are welcome to have seen this!

So starting Monday, it would be quite noticeable that something isn't Quite Right between Corrie and Eddie. Eddie, for one, will be avoiding all eye contact with Corrie even though it will be really hard because she legit immediately looks at Corrie if she finds something hilarious. She will not be speaking to her. :( Eddie will also be making really angry little comments and refusing to pass the salt or any sort of food stuff. Things are cold, yo.

During classes, she vacillates between surly and antagonistic, and during Quidditch practice, Eddie is being particularly brutal. :| While that's generally good for offence, it also means that she is getting a lot more fouls than normal.

Nov. 11th, 2011


So this is kind of delayed because I am fail, but I thougjt your chars might want to comment! Albus and Corrie finally had a confrontation, and right in front of everyonr lle in the great hall at dinner on Tuesday night he kissed her! Feel free to have your chars have seen or not!

Also, i wil be sparse this weekend as after work tonight I'm driving to orlando! I don't know how much internet i will have, so I will be slow <3<3

Sep. 28th, 2011


Hey guys! I'm flying home for my high school reunion (this should be interesting) this weekend, so here's a rare hiatus from me. I expect I'll pop in here and there if I find the time, but I won't be around much until Tuesday! (But still ask Corrie questions in the meme, please. I'll get to them eventually!)

<3 Emily

Sep. 21st, 2011



Bbdolls, Corrie and Eddie's pre-Hogwarts team trials thread is finally completed. Have a look over at this link for girls playing ball, etc. ♥

Aug. 12th, 2011


Well I had planned to comment to everyone else's intros before posting mine, but I'm getting antsy and I want to just post noooooow so I will!

So, hi! I'm Emily, and I am slowly working through the steadily growing number of intros - so if I haven't commented on yours yet, just wait! I am 28, living in the general vicinity of Phoenix, AZ (so hot D:) and working as a proofreader.

I only have one character so far, but we'll see how long that lasts. :) This is my girl. She is a 6th-year Hufflepuff, her name is Coronation Street Pye, and she's the middle child and oldest daughter of Meaghan McCormack, the coach for the Hogwarts team! Naturally, she will be trying out for the team - whether or not she gets on, rest assured that there will be drama.

Corrie likes swimming, comic books (but only the wizarding ones, muggle comics are weird), Quidditch, climbing things, SNOW, adventures, and gets bored and frustrated easily, but also craves consistency and stability about as much as she craves change. This does not make her the most consistent person herself, nor does the fact that she's very sensitive (in both good and bad ways) and defensive. (Nor does the fact that she was raised by, you know, Meaghan McCormack.) She has high expectations of people, is academically spastic, and is in many, many ways contrary.

It's nice to meet those of you I haven't met before, and it's good to see everyone I have again! :)

Oh gosh, I nearly forgot - those of you playing male beaters are forewarned that Meaghan is using the tournament as an excuse to scope out future sons-in-law. Yes, specifically the beaters. They don't have any beaters in the family yet, and she's looking to change that. (She wouldn't pressure the guys to date Corrie, by the way, she'd focus on just Corrie.)
