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Dec. 2nd, 2011


Helloooo. So the snowball fight list is basically finished, but we need one more spot filled for team orange! Also please let me know if I missed anyone or got someone's team wrong or whatever. There was like 200 comments and I am sleep-deprived so @_@

Oct. 27th, 2011


This is just a tribute

Once every hundred-thousand years or so, when the sun doth shine and the moon doth glow, and the grass doth grow... )

Aug. 20th, 2011


Hi! I'm Nathalie. I know a couple of you but I don't know the rest of you. Hello everyone else! Forgive me if I ramble, I just woke up and going out today so posting now. Anyhow. Yes, I'm Nathalie and I am 23. I like to read. I have a huge love for fantasy/supernatural/sword-and-sorcerery shows (like seriously, my first thought was - the MacDougals have TWO people from Camelot. It's possibly a sad place in my head) and procedurals. And Glee. I can't spell but I have great vocabulary! Mostly. When I grow up I want to be famous, as well as sexy and independent, but in the mean time just looking for internships. That is my excitingness.

Now for my kidlets. I have two. A Weasley and a Durmstrang seeker.

First is the Weasley. Her information is here. Lucy somehow managed to be the second child of Percy Weasley and Audrey Weasley, nee Max, who totally looks like Lotte Verbeek in my head in that she's a blonde and sweet child born to two redheads, one who is still rather pompous and the other one who knows 75 different ways to wear your ribcage as a hat (this is what the teach you ever at the DMLE). She's certainly as practical and level-headed as they are but she's also a lot calmer. Much calmer. Her temper almost seems nonexistent (don't worry, it's there). In fact, Lucy seems to spend a lot of her time (when not studying) giving the louder folks bemused looks. Not in a condescending way but in a-oh-dear-goodness-how-does-your-brain-work. Um, to wrap this up: she likes random facts, she LOVES Care and will likely end up working in that department and knowing how to speak mermish, she knows a lot about what plugs look like(what? she listens when Arthur talks!), she is also susceptible to bribery by desert (okay, no she's not, her integrity is stronger than that but she loves desert so much that she might not end up talking to you for a month for trying it, because who says no to desert? Only soulless people that's who), Lucy will very likely borrow your shit without asking until the very last minute but that's okay you can take anything off her desk (quills, parchment and stuff) for free (though she might actually get tetchy if it's the last one and pissy if it's her homework - actually she WILL for the latter), and the rest is in the link provided.

Next is the Seeker I'm sure you all saw that one coming. Here. Celima Dolinskaya, or just Cel. Is the seeker for Durmstrang. She is the fourth child of six, in the middle of two boys, her father is a Quidditch referee, and her mother a former Slytherin. If that doesn't tell you everything about her .... Cel can come off a bit too serious off the pitch, but she isn't always - that many siblings means that she knows how to have fun (well not always but in her crazy home it does). And patient (sort of). Her mother is from Britain and her father from the Ukraine, so she speaks both really well, though she's a tad strong on the latter as she lives there the most. She's reckless as hell with her well-being on the pitch. No, I mean seriously. There isn't much that girl won't do to get that snitch, and that includes hanging off the broom to get it. She's usually good at following orders though so a vaguely specific - don't try and kill yourself today, from the Coach tends to work, even though it may get some muttered bitching. She's looking forward to the foreign boys. She likes to have fun and she certainly plans to when she isn't breathing quidditch (which will be rare) but she will have it. Lastly, she is nosy, bossy, and isn't above pranking her friends, if time allows.

The Max are totally open if anyone wants a pureblood family. I suppose so are the Smudgley's if anyone wants a half-blood family. Oh, but Oleksandr is totally opened if anyone wants another Quidditch player but one with family.

Your plots. Bring 'em to me. I want it ALL. Like the song (I think). Also at times I am at [info]grapecase, feel free to add me.
