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Sep. 28th, 2011


Ok, I was MIA for a few days, so someone tell me everything that's going on please!

Sep. 7th, 2011


Hey friends! I feel like a TONNE of new players have joined just recently, not to mention new characters from established players, and I know I've missed some intro posts along the way, so I just wanted to do a quick hello and rundown of my babies.

I am Sara! 24 (omfg I just typed 23 because even like 6 months in I still do not feel like this age is correct,) Elementary Ed major, RPing basically since birth, blah blah [info]petrichor / [info]baobabble and SavageFlight on AIM.

This is Anais Beausoliel, Beauxbatons Seeker. She's Gabrielle Delacour's daughter with Nicolas Beausoleil, who is a famous Quidditch commentator in France. Anais is sweet and cheerful and extremely zen. She is impossible to rattle, ever. Negativity just rolls right off of her.

Lily Potter [info]ellellpea is a fifth year Gryff whose basic background you all know. Lils is super-dee-duper outgoing and snuggly, hates Quidditch but likes muggle sports like footie and rugby, loves to dance and play and be outrageous, know EVERYONE and will get all up in your bizniz whether you like it or not so it's better to just enjoy it. She has a quest for this year dubbed Project Snog A Yank, which is a slightly deceptive title as she intends to snog ALL the yanks.

Jack Cardew [info]cardont is a sixth year Slyth. He's a muggleborn with a grim history who is as a result prickly and dour, and he has trust and anger issues times eleven. If he doesn't make the Hogwarts team he's going to jump off a tower, possibly literally. I'm hoping someone will shake up his world a bit, LOL.

And Jonni Rosier [info]jonquil is Pansy Parkinson's youngest, a fifth year Hufflepuff who is deeply insecure and wants mostly to please. She's quite sweet, but easily embarrassed or made to feel bad. Cute Boys make her make an eepy noise and blush. Hug her, kthx.


Aug. 17th, 2011



Ahem. This is Anais Beausoleil, Beauxbatons Seeker and 16 year old daughter of famous Quidditch commentator Nicolas Beausoleil and fashion designer Gabrielle Delacour. So yes, she is part-Veela, and retains just a bit of that Veela glamour. Not so much that it's hard to get used to or overcome, but it's there. And yes, she is the cousin of several Weasleys. She also has a whole passel of cousins on her Dad's side, and a little bro. Just sayin', people who still need another.

Anais is pretty much the most laid back person in the world. You can't make her angry. Well, you can if you hurt an animal, then she goes all TEENY HULK on you. But other than that? Nope. Doesn't happen. Insult her? You're entitled to your opinion. Insult her mum? Well, you're wrong, but it's cool. Hurt her little brother/family members/friends? She'll do all she can to comfort them, but she'll REALLY feel sorry for you, because you must be a pretty unhappy person to do something like that. Really all you can do is make her love you harder. That's it.

Even when it comes to Quidditch, she's chill. She loves the game and she's a really good Seeker (largely because she's so impossible to rattle; do you know how important it is for a Seeker to have good focus? Hers is the best.) But she's not actually too bothered about winning. Win, lose, the point is to enjoy yourself, right? This can infuriate her teammates and especially the people she beat out for the position, but as with every other negative vibe, Anais is like "eh, be cool man." Except in French.

Also, she is more omnisexual than anything else. She thinks you're all beautiful and attractive and if you want to kiss or make love, she thinks that's just great and says ok sure! As long as everyone's happy, why not?

Still [info]petrichor (FRIEND ME) still SavageFlight. PLOT ME UP YOU GUYS.

Also, mods! It won't let me get to the f-button, since she isn't friended by the mod journal. :((( fix please?
