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Sep. 7th, 2011


Hai everyone. This is Nathalie with her last character ever (no, I mean it. Grrr. This game. I'd sit on my hands but I have tags and intros to do).

This is Theo(dsius) Papandreou. (yeah, I know but I was in this MOOD where I just really wanted a Greek character. The culture is insanely interesting, ... from the little I know of it). He is a muggleborn, Hufflepuff, oldest of four (his youngest sibling is in Slytherin and he's superprotective of her).

A few words to describe Theo - control, versatile, sensitive, slow, vain (not openly conceited, just self-assured to the nth power). Sensative in the sense that he can get defensive easily and doesn't well to jokes at his expense .... especially not his family. Slow in that you can't really force Theo to go faster unless Theo wants to go faster. He takes his time for almost EVERYTHING. But he's not a procrastinator (no matter what some sayings say about Greeks). He does his shite and he does it well. He just ... takes his time. He's very big on planning. Planning events. Organizing. Prioritizing. He probably plans how to brush his teeth. While that could easily make for a dull boy - he's not ... well, he could be, I suppose it depends on perspective. He likes being active though. Rock climbing. Footie. Traveling. If it involves him doing something. He's going to do it. He just usually plans ahead for it. He's not impulsive in the grand scale.

He's generally easy-going. Cordial. Though high-handed at times. He's a generous friend. Though he isn't friends with many. Not FRIENDS friends. Theo's motto is Theo comes first. Before friends and acquiantances. Only family and "family" get more loyalty than he gives himself. He's patient with people he feels really need it, especially if they're younger than he is (zomg, he loves kids. And that might be the only times anyone sees an openly affectionate and silly Theo ... unless with his sister. He's just really into that protecting, nurturing thing). Theo likes outdoors, loves mangas (Bleach! He's read it), and likely will grow up to be Anderson Cooper.

That is pretty much it. His info is here. I would love ex-girlfriends. He was never crazily serious about those. Friends and even, hopefully, a couple of friends (because it would be nice to play the dynamics of people he considers just friends and friends he considers as good as family).

Oh, and as I always forget: come at me bros @ qt4eva2214 on AIM. I am like always on but usually invis. Also [info]grapecase. You can also e-mail me qt4eva2214@aol.com but I don't check that as frequently. Plots, please.


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