June 2012



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May. 4th, 2012


Hi everyone, this is Louis Weasley and he wants to be your friend. No really, he does. His bio is here and I've put his factsheet below the cut. He likes to get along with everyone and is pretty chill. He's super social so he needs friends, especially in his year. Don't worry if your character isn't at all like him because that will only make him more interested in what makes them tick. I'm especially keen to find out how the rest of his family like him, because he loves all of them to bits :-) Also let me know if you had any backstory with Rebekah's Louis and we can see what we can keep.

Oh, and this is BritA, btw, Persephone's player. Look forward to playing with y'all some more :-D

Factsheet )

Dec. 5th, 2011


Hi there, my name's Alison but since you already have one, you can call me Brita, like the water filter, which is my standard second-Alison name. I'm rather tickled to discover how many of you here I already know, since I chose this game based on adverts and not by asking on my cdj if anyone plays in a next gen game. Maybe I took in some subliminal messages or something. Anyway!

So this here is Hugo Weasley, son of the awesome Ron and Hermione, brother to the fabulous Rose and... well, relative of some description to many, many more. Don't tell him he's like his mum, or dad, or sister, or anyone else. He is his own person and totally unique and individual, okay? (Gotta love teenagers.) Just to prove how very much his own person he is, he will attempt to do whatever people don't expect him to do, tying himself in all sorts of knots and inevitably annoying some people in the process. This included trying to get himself sorted into Slytherin by debating with the hat, a plan which failed miserably as he got put in Gryffindor - exactly the house everyone expected, damn it!

His bio is here, his factsheet at the bottom of here, but in a nutshell he's very extroverted, fairly laidback, a bit mischievous and has something of a silver tongue, which he also uses to play devil's advocate quite frequently. Oh, and you may have also seen his cat, Beauty.

Glad to be here! Let me know how you think your characters feel about him and I'll try and dive in and play :-S
