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Sep. 18th, 2011


Hello, lovelies! This is Lisa with her second character! I bring you Sidney Savage, 6th year Ravenclaw, daughter of the Auror you might or might not remember (there was like… one mention of him in the books, but leave it to fans to make the most of that!). Some background: Sidney’s father, a high-class pureblood, married a muggle woman, much to his parents’ opposition. Sadly, this woman got into a nasty car accident while pregnant, and though the baby came out alright, she died within hours, leaving Sidney’s dad to raise her all by himself.

Then, when Sidney was ten years old, he died too (being an Auror has its risks), and she had to move to her uncle’s house, where she was fed and clothed, but never truly cared for.

Personality wise, Sidney is very clever. She has excellent grades, and offers to tutor other students… for a minimal wage. She also has a very good memory, so if your character did something embarrassing in their first year? Yep. She remembers it perfectly. And might use it against you if you get on her bad side, because, asides from clever, Sidney is not very friendly. In fact, she can be very distant with strangers- and even with people she has known for a while.

However, Sidney is also harshly honest, which makes her come off as mean or abrasive. She has rather poor social skills, can come off as condescending, and… well, she just isn’t the nicest person out there. If you do manage to befriend her, though, you'll be hard-pressed to find someone as loyal as she is. She will still snark and give you disapproving looks, but she will put her hands into the fire for you.

Um... some people might remember that, during her third year, when she faced her boggart (which takes the form of her father dying), Sidney ran out of the classroom and locked herself in the bathroom, panicking a little. For a kid who was usually very stoic, this could have been a memorable thing to happen.

And that's about it! (I THINK? I might have forgotten something important.) I'm pretty bad at intros, so if you'd like to learn more, you should go check her profile. Friends? People she tutors? Enemies? I'm sure she'll have some of those! Looking forward to playing with you all ♥


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