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Nov. 13th, 2011


So, I haven't been around much recently, and I'm sorry about that. School's been kicking my ass (along with other mishaps like power outages and broken laptop chargers), but things seem to have gotten under control for now, so I'm going to start catching up tomorrow- well, technically today. While I'm at it, I may as well re-intro my characters:

Rose Weasley (this journal) is a 6th year Ravenclaw and keeper for the Hogwarts Quidditch team. Rose is a little shy, and while she can open up a little and be friendly with those she's close to, she's more reserved, quiet, and a little nervous around those she doesn't know so well. That said, while Rose would prefer to avoid drama and confrontation, she will stand up for herself and those she cares about. Despite being a brainy Ravenclaw, she isn't much for studying and working hard for her grades- she has a tendency to coast on her natural intelligence. Not that she doesn't care about books and learning, she just doesn't see the point in working so hard on something if she can do it without much effort to begin with. One thing she isn't lazy about, however, is Quidditch. She plans on becoming a pro Quidditch player or maybe a herbologist after Hogwarts. If she isn't in her dorm or common room, then you can probably find her in the Quidditch pitch, library, or the greenhouse. Aside from Quidditch, her interests include gardening, herbology, and muggle technology.

Tori Moon ([info]not_sailor) is a 7th year Slytherin. Tori has the unfortunate situation of being materialistic in a family with a lot of kids and not a lot of money. So since she was a kid, she came up with all kinds of moneymaking schemes to get the things that she wanted. It was all little kid stuff, until a few years ago, when she set up a gambling ring and smuggled in contraband items to put up for sale. If your characters need anything that's banned at Hogwarts or anything, she can probably get them some- for a price, of course! Tori was a hot gossip item last year, when she was inadvertantly outed- she was secretly dating one of the few out kids at school, but they always seemed just a little too friendly, and people figured it out. She got dumped by said girlfriend at the end of the year, and was cranky and depressed for most of the summer, but has broken out of it, and is focusing on how best to profit from the events of this year.

Amber Lyons ([info]resinite), is a 7th year Gryffindor and a prefect. She's a muggleborn, and while she's fascinated and enchanted with much of what the wizarding world has to offer, she's less pleased with some of the more questionable aspects of it and seeks to change it, and hopes to do so by going into the Ministry. Her sense of ambition could have gotten her into Slytherin, but maybe she's a little too concerned with ethics to be sorted there. Amber is generally nice, but she's not afraid to call anyone out over overly douchey behavior. She's also not afraid to take away points should a situation call for it. She's not mad with power, however, and doesn't take away points for every tiny infraction. In fact, smaller infractions like dress code related violations and being out only one minute past curfew are likely to only get a warning, provided she doesn't catch you doing it again. She does get pretty tough about stuff like bullying and harassment, though. Amber is no-nonsense and doesn't believe in beating around the bush- she prefers to get right to the point.

If you want plot with any of them, here's the place to discuss it! Also, is there anything important I've missed?

- Crystal

Sep. 5th, 2011


Hal's Party

A bit late time-wise, but I actually WAS at a birthday party the entire day of Hal's birthday (it was a shindig and awesome). Anyway...

Saturday September 3rd was Hal's surprise birthday party. I believe Clover and maybe someone else helped Lysander bake a lot of goods for it. There were also blue hats and such for everyone. There were games and food and drink, but overall...it wasn't very structured. Everyone was invited though!

So, who came? What did they do? You can figure it out here if you want!

Also, Hal got a very large supply of blue ink from Lysander, as well as a blue leather journal with an eagle etched into it. The inside covers were full of ravenclaw-y artwork, and there was a portrait of Hal as well. =D

Aug. 11th, 2011


Hi! I'm Crystal, and I kind of fail at this intro business, so bear with me. I already know a couple of you, but for those of you who I don't know, please feel free to friend my OOC journal [info]themiserychick. I may bring in another character or two soon, but for now I just have one.

This is Rose Weasley, sixth year Ravenclaw. Last year she was the keeper for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and hopes to play as the keeper on the Hogwarts team this year. She was disappointed about not being in Gryffindor like just about everyone else in her family, but eventually felt relief at not having the responsibility of continuing the Great Weasley Legacy in Gryffindor. Rose is a little shy, and while she can be friendly and even loud with those she's close to, she's more reserved, quiet, and a little nervous around those she doesn't know so well. If she isn't in her dorm or common room, then you can probably find her in the Quidditch pitch, library, or the greenhouse. She's not sure whether she wants to be a pro Quidditch player or an apothecary, but she'll cross that bridge when she comes to it. You can read more about Rose HERE.
