June 2012



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Mar. 11th, 2012


hogwarts reserve trials )

Sep. 16th, 2011


Hogwarts Team Voting

In a comment, let us know who you think would be best for the Hogwarts Quidditch team. There will be three reserves. Please make sure you check here to see how trials went and what each character brings to the team. While these votes are the most important part of our final decision, we'll also take into account things like whether or not a player has a foreign Quidditch player, the player's feelings on their character making the team, etc if the votes are very close or tied.

As clarification: every player (you, the muns) may vote one time with one roster, whether or not you have a character trying out--ideally, we'll get votes from everyone before putting up the roster. You may vote for your own character, but if you have more than one trying out, please choose only one to vote for. This should go without saying, but votes are private, so please don't share them with each other until after the roster has been posted, and please do not pressure someone into voting for your character; campaigning was done in the last post. Happy voting!

VOTING IS NOW CLOSED. All comments are screened.

list of those trying out )

Sep. 11th, 2011


hogwarts team trials!

Yes people, the time is finally here. Or well, it's coming this Saturday. As promised, we're going to give you a chance to petition for your kids who want to make the team before we open voting this coming Friday.

Trials consist of basic speed and flying skills, as well as basic drills for each position, for everyone together, and then a separation into their specific positions. Chasers have Quaffle handling and goal-scoring, as well as passing and team-playing to demonstrate. Beaters must show strength and accuracy with the Bludger, as well as the ability to work with a partner. Seekers will show speed, quickness to catch the Snitch, and ability to dodge Bludgers. Keepers must show that they can stop nearly everything thrown toward them, and do so with distractions.

Characters may try out for more than one position. You as a player may have more than one character try out, but only one will make the team. Being a member of a House team last year is not a prerequisite for either trying out or making the team.

*One more thing we forgot to add: Hogwarts team trials will be CLOSED to the foreign team members and all spectators who are not trying out. Coach McCormack doesn't want to give her kids too much of a disadvantage. This may not have been well-circulated, but anyone who showed up and wasn't there expressly to try out would have been unceremoniously kicked out by McCormack.

here's what to post )

Please keep in mind that for many of them, there is a real chance that they will not make it, and there are a lot of factors for your fellow players as well as we as mods to take into consideration. We will try to keep it as fair as possible! Voting, as described, will be opened on Friday, and the roster will be posted late Sunday or possibly Monday.

If you have questions, feel free to ask!
