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Dec. 11th, 2011


So no one is too confused in the madness that is Quinn's recent entry:

Callum gave Quinn two yellow candies for him to ~test for him. They would exhibit extreme happiness. Except he took them too close together. Resulting in RIDICULOUSNESS.

Quinn has been shouting out random words: his favorite sequence is Penguins Tango Mango Tangerine. He has shouted Peanuts. He has randomly hugged people. He has tipped tables. He has sworn at people. Delightedly. And when he has not been making very little sense, he has had moments of clarity. In which he has been trying to ask for help.

Because every time he starts to get sane again, he spins like a top. Yes. Like a top.

After escaping Ravenclaw earlier, he's been spinning around the Castle. Currently, he's near Gryffindor. When Sidney told him to stop moving, he laid down. So he keeps spinning into the walls.

Feel free to have ~seen him, heard him, run into him, etc.

Sep. 18th, 2011


HELLO. This is Malcolm Quinn (Wallace). He's a sixth year Ravenclaw, best friend of Sidney Savage, an orphan with potential siblings in game (-nudge nudge-), and an overall really sweet guy. He's a lover, not a fighter, and he's excellent to have around to keep the peace.

Mal was born to parents he's never known anything about: the mom dropped him off at the hospital without a word, the nurse turned around to go back to ask her a question and she was gone. Because of 'weird things happening' due to magic, he's never been adopted for longer than a few years. It was around the seven-nine age that he met Sidney, found out that he was a wizard, and made his first best friend in his life. From there on, things got better and worse. Sid lost her dad, he lost his foster family and he got chucked into an orphanage. The kids are always coming and going, but he doesn't really have anything to do about it. Instead, he takes pictures of them when he can and spends a lot of time being a big 'brother' to them.

So it comes naturally to care about other kids like that. He is all about making and keeping friends--though he can't help wanting to form his own family in the future. Being close to someone who can care about him is a lot of what he's after, but once a girl realizes he can't take them to dinner or buy them gifts, they drop him pretty fast.

Even so, he's a lot of fun--not as completely quidditch obsessed as other people*--but great to have around anyway. He can't afford a broom of his own, so he feels he'd never make the team with a shite broom, so he doesn't try out. He can't join clubs if there are fees or things that require money involved. Just like he can't really do anything at Hogsmeade because he doesn't have a a bloody pence to his name. Which is why he is willing to usually do anything anyone wants for a mild price. And not sexual favors--just to clarify. Because we have some odd minded people in this game.

I could drone on for hours, but I'll recommend that you read his application instead and hit me up for lines here. Obviously, I need them. He's fun. And pretty. Come at me, bro. Oh, this is also Stevie. With her fifth and last character. Alice needs plot too. -cough-
