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Dec. 2nd, 2011


Helloooo. So the snowball fight list is basically finished, but we need one more spot filled for team orange! Also please let me know if I missed anyone or got someone's team wrong or whatever. There was like 200 comments and I am sleep-deprived so @_@

Sep. 13th, 2011


HOWDY Y'ALL. Rose is brain dead, so I'm introing her hot one for you today. Strap yourselves in, and keep your arms and legs inside the carpet, we'll try not to lose anyone along the way.

This hot little number is Jonah "no middle name WTF do we yell at him?" Ryder. He's a 7th Salem Preppy and plays beater, from a more protective than aggressive standpoint.

He comes across as fairly zen, but don't be fooled; this guy is crouching mellow, hidden badass. He's quiet and easy going, sure, but hit that bezerker button and you'll know it. He's protective as all get out, if you're under his wing. Neither a push over nor a martyr, Jonah is a decent guy who has a pretty solid moral stance, and you won't move him from a decision. He's gentle, but not flacid, and has a hell of a temper if you get down to it.

His Mom (omg I am SPELLING IT THE AMERICAN WAY, PEOPLE) died when he was 13, and his father (who knew naught of him til Jonah was 9) has just recently passed, so Jonah's in need of some luvin - I mean a little adrift in that regard, and it's not something he talks about often.

Jonah's a big guy (just how Dani likes 'em, FYI), blonde and tan and with a Nyawlins accent. He's strong, and knows it, and PB'd by Charlie Hunnam, so therefore hotter than you.

Insanely enough for someone that's just really, really, ridiculously good looking, Jonah's a bit fail with the ladies. He kinda doesn't get it sometimes or tried too hard or isn't super aware they WANT HIM, when really, all he has to do is shut up and unbutton. Have fun toying with that innocence, ladies. He needs to LEARN.

Rose better include a shirtless pic. S'all I'm sayin

The End.


Okay for serious, she did a pretty good job. He's a sweet guy, very protective, orphaned and MAY have an accent that slips out on occasion, but he's pretty good about tucking it away (aka I fail at accents). Please be kind as we suffer through me trying to develop a southern accent.

Most importantly, he needs plot! :D

Rose. (Jane)
