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Oct. 16th, 2011


Heeeeey guys. It's Jess with character number 2, Tobias (Toby) Pucey.

My apologies for not having any icons up yet, I'm still waiting on internet at home, so I had to set up this journal entirely at work. However, I should have some time to upload icons of Jamie Bell tonight.

However, I'm really excited to bring in a guy who is probably Corbin's total opposite. Toby is a 7th year Ravenclaw with a dream to open up a magical flower shop one day. He uses magic to enhance and manipulate flowers and also builds arrangements. He's a fairly average student, but does well in classes like Divination (because he's interested), Charms, and Herbology. He's a TOTAL romantic and is known for his romantic gestures to girls that he fancies. He's the sort of guy to take a girl out on a date before going steady, so to speak, so I need some girls that he's taken out on dates as well as a couple of ex-girlfriends.

Toby's foil is his younger brother Gil, who's year and house I've left open for whoever wants to pick him up. Adrian and Katie (Bell) are their parents and in totally practical careers--a lawyer for Gringotts and a healer respectively--and while they love their older son, just don't quite understand his interests. Gil, however, is their perfect child. He's naturally inclined towards being a healer or a lawyer (or something equally practical and traditional) and Toby couldn't be more proud of his little brother. While Toby would never boast about himself, he's willing to brag about his little brother a bit. However, how Gil feels about this scenario is still open for whoever wants to play him.

Buuuut, enough with trying to enable people to pick up the little brother. Toby's an excellent listener, extremely modest and humble, and loves to learn new skills and tasks. When inspiration hits him for a new idea, he's the sort to drop everything he was doing and go for it 110%. However, his ideas usually come out rather...half-baked in the beginning and usually require lots of tweaking and testing that on occasion ends in injury for himself. He won't, however, put anyone else at risk from his experiments.

There's also an important role that I was hoping to fill, but it would take some discussion. While Toby is a genuine romantic and enjoys doing something that he feels will make a woman smile, there is that one girl who he's been pursuing for years. The thing with Toby is, he's fairly persistent (though never aggressive or annoying, like sending a different flower every week without a note or that sort of thing. I'm looking for a sixth or seventh year girl (any house is fine) that he does this sort of thing to. It could have boiled down to a routine now (because Toby won't stop unless you expressly TELL him to), or he might legitimately still like this girl. And her feelings on the matter are open, though I imagine she's rather bemused by the whole scenario.

I feel as though I'm missing lots of aspects of his personality, so please please check out his bio. I'm going to run back to work and stalk my email for replies!

Also, he's the world's worst liar. Snacks all the time (but misses meals a fair amount) and can sleep ANYWHERE.

K, bye!


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