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Dec. 2nd, 2011


Helloooo. So the snowball fight list is basically finished, but we need one more spot filled for team orange! Also please let me know if I missed anyone or got someone's team wrong or whatever. There was like 200 comments and I am sleep-deprived so @_@

Nov. 12th, 2011


Alright, lovely ladies and gents of Hogwarts. Today, at lunch, Riley Bexton--to prove his masculinity to his cousin, Cody--walked up to Elliot Goldstein and kissed her. In front of everyone. It was partly because yesterday, she was moaning about never coming out of her room with all the romance going on. It was an amusing show of affection--he grabbed her face and everything.

Then he went and sat back down and continued to eat. Feel free to speculate. Mock. Etc.

Aug. 17th, 2011


Hello there, everyone! Lisa here, I’m new to the game, and super excited to be here! :D I’m 22 years old, Hotel Management student, and avid roleplayer. I am, however, much less interesting than the girl I’m bringing to you: this is Elliot Goldstein, daughter of Anthony Goldstein and Megan Jones. She’s a sixth year Gryffindor, not a very good student, but a Quidditch player and absolute fan. She’s been part of the team since her third year, and she’s hoping to make it to the school team!

With those basics out of the way… Elliot is boyish. VERY boyish. To the point where she was often mistaken for a boy a few years ago, before she realized that, hey, she kind of liked boys, and that brushing her hair went a long way to improve her appearance.

Anyway, the only times she has worn a dress have been because her mother forced her to, and last time she tried to wear high heels, she sprained her ankle and had to be carried to the infirmary. She can usually be found jumping out of windows (or doing something equally stupid and detrimental to her health) while screaming ‘WOO-HOO!’ at the top of her lungs. Mind you, these stunts usually result in detentions, but what can you do. She’s very friendly, if a little bit arrogant and childish. With some hope, she’ll grow out of that.

So! Lines are needed! ♥ First of all—Elliot has a fraternal twin/brother who is open for play, and whom I’d love to have in the game. He can either be as immature as she is, or have grown out of it and realized there is more to life than pranks and practical jokes. So if you're thinking about bringing in a new boy, do consider it! (Plus they're related to the Jones. And everyone knows the Jones are awesome /shameless self-promotion.) Asides from that- friends, enemies, rivals— if you have it, I need it! I’d especially like a girl friend to show her to dress up, and give her guy advice.

You can find me at lisa gswh in AIM. Looking forward to playing with you all! ♥ ♥ ♥
