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Sep. 19th, 2011


oh yeah, I still exist!

Wow, I've seriously fallen into the Massive Fail category here. >> Between being sick and attempting to find a job (newsflash: the job market sucks), I keep checking the game with all intentions of activity, but then lacking the brain to do said activity.


I've missed a lot of intros (that will change now too, I PROMISE), so instead of overwhelming myself by going back and replying to everyone, wherein I'll say pretty much the exact same things over and over again, I'm just gonna reintroduce my kiddos here. WE WOULD ALL LOVE PLOT, KTHNX. :)

My kiddos! )

Aug. 31st, 2011


intro times

Hello hello! This is Brandi again, with Character Number Three again. Again, the Beauxbatons Keeper, but this one is vastly different from Charlie.

This here is Alessandro (Sandro) Costa. He is Italian by way of Venice, and he's the easy-going-est guy ever. He's also an incredible flirt: if you've got lady bits, he'll flirt with you. His English isn't the best, but his older sister has spent some time helping him with his English since he made the team, so he's getting there. He'd love an English tutor though, ladies. Wink wink. He'll teach you Italian if you teach him English. And probably throw some cheesy pick-up lines your way, too.

Obv only the Beaux crew would know him already, but you will soon learn that:
- he loves to cook. He comes from Chef stock, so he's grown up learning how to cook and such. He will make you a romantic meal.
- his boat is his one true love. He's had it since he was fourteen, and it's his life. He really wishes he could've brought it to Hoggies with him (unless the modlies say he could've brought it? he'd love you longlong time if he can!).
- he knows full-well how good-looking he is. So he can be a mite bit full of himself in that department. But ... seriously. Just look at him.
- he's a muggleborn, and proud of it. He loves his family, and woe be it for you to suggest he's lacking because he was born into his family instead of some old-magic one.

So! That's Sandro. His bio is here if you wanna check him out.

Kisses and hugs for you if you give me your plots! And as always, you can reach me on AIM at brandied plum, by email at brandied.plum @ gmail, and in CDJlandia as [info]zombiephile.
