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Dec. 3rd, 2011


JUST IN CASE the thread is tl;dr for you:

Hal made a big show at breakfast this morning of telling Eddie he likes her and asking her out and giving her a bouquet of daisies. Yes, the dumbass DID do it right before the match.

They both ended up running out of the Hall. Feel free to have your kids have seen. <3

Oct. 18th, 2011



Okay. I've decided it's time for me to get off the failboat/modly tower of doom and grab a ticket back to catching up in my own game, and I figured the best place to start would be backstorying with all the new people. Only the problem here is that there have been like 25 new characters since I last was able to backstory, soooo I'm going to take the cheap way out. Here are my kids, comment if you have ideas for lines with them!

Aggie McLaggen, 7th year Gryffindor ([info]aggrieved)
Garrett Flint, 7th year Slytherin ([info]steeled)
Sam Carmichael, 6th year Hufflepuff (this journal)
Hal Gillespie, 5th year Ravenclaw ([info]cheekily)

(Oh, and this is Mod!Lauren for all of you who haven't had the pleasure of one of my surprise attacks!)

Still FamiliarGleam on AIM. Still familiargleam@gmail.com. Still love you all.

Sep. 28th, 2011


Hey all.

I realize I've been very scarce for the past week or so. It wasn't my intention to just sort of disappear without warning. I had a personal issue that likes to rear its ugly head every now and then come to the surface last week, and I've had rather a hard time dealing with it. On top of that, my boss has been extremely demanding and rude for the past few days, so I've been having to focus extra-hard on work to try to do the impossible there. So I'm sorry if you've IMed me lately and I haven't responded, or if you're waiting on my kids to reply to your journal entries or intros; just going through a small rough patch at the moment, nothing to be alarmed about.

I will be back in full force soon, and at partial force even sooner, I hope! I love you all.


Sep. 5th, 2011


Hal's Party

A bit late time-wise, but I actually WAS at a birthday party the entire day of Hal's birthday (it was a shindig and awesome). Anyway...

Saturday September 3rd was Hal's surprise birthday party. I believe Clover and maybe someone else helped Lysander bake a lot of goods for it. There were also blue hats and such for everyone. There were games and food and drink, but overall...it wasn't very structured. Everyone was invited though!

So, who came? What did they do? You can figure it out here if you want!

Also, Hal got a very large supply of blue ink from Lysander, as well as a blue leather journal with an eagle etched into it. The inside covers were full of ravenclaw-y artwork, and there was a portrait of Hal as well. =D

Aug. 23rd, 2011



It's Lauren (mod) with my third baby!

This stunner here is Hal (short for Harold, but please don't ever call him that, he'll have a conniption) Gillespie, 5th year Ravenclaw. He is a Muggleborn, a Scot, a damn good rugby player, a Runes and chess enthusiast, and all around the most charming and good-looking bloke you'll ever come across (his words, not mine). Hal is extremely excitable and has a tendency toward the silly and outrageous: he is completely willing to dress in drag for karaoke and wears hot pink on purpose. He is That Guy, the one who assumes everyone is his friend unless they are purposefully antagonistic toward him, the one who grins charmingly at you when you say something sarcastic to him, and the one who pouts spectacularly. He fits well with the more popular crowds, but is equally comfortable sitting around the fireplace in the Common Room with one or two close mates. He does, however, have a bit of a temper (and a violent streak to match), feels honor-bound to stick up for all girls--but especially his female friends--and he will quickly and vociferously protest if he thinks someone a friend is interested in is not worthy of their attentions (there is a history behind this, if you're so inclined, read about it here).

Hal mainly wants a million bazillion friends. And he would like to point out that he only missed being a 6th year by THREE FREAKING DAYS OKAY. This also means his birthday is coming up. And the boy really loves his birthday. Consider this your warning.
