June 2012



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Mar. 8th, 2012


(semi) Hiatus

Hi all, I have an unexpected family visit and also a Japanese assignment to do, so am likely to be scarce this weekend.

- Orla (Duck, Charles, Ryu, Georgie, Edwin)

Feb. 5th, 2012



Hi all - as the next couple of days are looking to be busy at work (with potential overtime involved), I'm on hiatus until Thursday.

Orla (Duck, Charles, Georgie, Ryu, Edwin and Krish)

PS: I will tag anything I have outstanding though!

Feb. 4th, 2012


So, unfortunately I've been sick with the flu for a while, and I had the misfortune of the new semester at school starting up around the same time, leaving me behind a week. Trying to keep up, plus being tired all the time doesn't leave much room for RP, and I've spent a while trying to catch up on that just now. I'll try to jump into things soon, after I catch some sleep. Are there any journal entries that any of my characters (Rose, Tori, Amber, and Charlotte), should be replying to?

Jan. 16th, 2012


'lo buttercups.

Just wanted to announce a semi-hiatus. Brought to you by my mother's charger. Mine is a bust and my battery - as some of you know - hasn't been working for ages. Which means I'll be tagging more sparodically (pfft spelling who needs it?) and on muuuuch less than my practical 18/7 schedule. So, expect late(r?) comments and um back-dated posts. HOWEVER, I can do aol on my kindle and I have been rediscovering writing in notebooks (like actual paper and pen. So high school, member those days?). So I can very likely do tags.

And check my e-mail which is qt4eva2214@aol.com
So, Jess. Lis. Hit me up! Or well expect e-mails from me :-D

Don't do anything that you'd regret me missing (Aka anything that would result me complaining to poor Dawn about my disastorous faith).

Lots of love and stuff.

- Nat

Dec. 24th, 2011



I should have posted this yesterday, but I am putting myself on hiatus due to Christmassy stuff happening and all.

I will be checking in on things and posting here and there (and also, to those I am doing logs with, I should be able to respond!), but it'll be ad hoc and at strange times.

Also I'm visiting a friend from the 29th to 31st (NZ time) so probably won't be around then.

Hope you all have happy holidays!

Christmas song with Edwin and Feiyi! )

Dec. 23rd, 2011


Christmas love/hiatus post etc

Ok y'all. My sister and brother-in-law get here tomorrow (Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!) and are here till Jan 2nd, so I will be around sparingly because I REALLY MISS HER FOR ONCE and I just...with everything going on I really need her right now. So Idk how much I'll be around, and char Christmas presents can wait till after real ones, kay?

But really, the important part of this post is UNDER LE CUT. CLICK IT.

HARK the ginger angels sing! )

Dec. 15th, 2011


Hey everybody! Long hiatus-y post is long but... just wanted to give you guys a heads up before I potentially drop off the face of the earth!
• I'm going to be traveling in Asia/going home from Dec. 19th-Jan. 2nd for work, vacation, and family-related things. My timezone will be weird for all you Western Hemisphere folk, so you might get tags at a really funky hour. I'll be on actual vacay from the 19th-27th, so I don't know if I'll have the nets since I will be on a beach. WE WILL SEE.

• Speaking of Internet, the government at home (Dec. 27th-Jan. 2nd) likes to play this game called Let's Make Cindy Miserable, and the objective is to ban as many of my favorite sites possible, which means that Google Docs is banned (and Facebook and Youtube and basically everything). While I do have a VPN tunnel, it's mostly meant for work-related things, so I can't guarantee anything. :| BASICALLY, if we have an ongoing log via gdocs, TALK TO ME. ♥

• Speaking of other things that are banned, AIM is banned! (lololol can i have nothing.) :( I can access meebo and other chat clients, but the Internet is EXTREMELY unreliable, as my connection can get shut down at any moment by the ~government~. When I'm at home on AIM, it's like I'm drowning, because I always come up for air in chat and then sink back down into offline mode, potentially never to be heard from again. So if you're talking to me and I suddenly sign off on you or don't respond, it does NOT mean I'm ignoring you! It just means that government censorship sucks balls. Best way to contact me? Shoot an email at widowcity@gmail.com!

tl;dr = Cindy on slowatus/possible hiatus from 12/19-1/2, talk to me if we have anything on gdocs, email is the best way to contact me! ♥

- ♥ Cindy (Alexandra/Anathema/Dominique/Jana/Kingsley)

Nov. 25th, 2011


Hey everyone!

Sorry I have been MIA even more so than usual lately, but I'm in the middle of a move (as well as seasonal working hours, bleh!) so life has been stressful/hectic. I won't have internet back until next week, but hopefully then things should quiet back down.

See you all soon!

Nov. 13th, 2011


FYI to everyone: I will probably be scarce at checking things until Tuesday evening AT LEAST but possibly not even until Wednesday because I have a major paper due that I need to get done and I am totally psyching myself out about it so yeah. I'll probably need to calm down after I finish it and do self-affirmations that I will pass. I'm silly like that sometimes :/ And also I have a competency to take tomorrow so my Monday is likely going to be filled with angst and hyperventilating. Hopefully, I'll stabilize by Tuesday.

This isn't very significant but just thought I'd keep everyone in the loop anyways! If Leo is needed for anythign drop me an email (euanism@gmail.com) and I will get to it when the beginning of the week is over. Bah, so behind with my readings. D: Also, I'm still attempting to reply to everyone's comment in Leo's intro! Just taking me a while. And if I don't I'll IM you so we can just chat plot instead.

FYI to Tobey's player: I'm thinking of popping Leo in there. Though, I'm by no means trying to make a claim on it or anything. If someone else wnats to join and can get to it before me feel free! But just letting you know that by Tues or Wed if it's still open I will put Leo in for roomie interactions!



So, I haven't been around much recently, and I'm sorry about that. School's been kicking my ass (along with other mishaps like power outages and broken laptop chargers), but things seem to have gotten under control for now, so I'm going to start catching up tomorrow- well, technically today. While I'm at it, I may as well re-intro my characters:

Rose Weasley (this journal) is a 6th year Ravenclaw and keeper for the Hogwarts Quidditch team. Rose is a little shy, and while she can open up a little and be friendly with those she's close to, she's more reserved, quiet, and a little nervous around those she doesn't know so well. That said, while Rose would prefer to avoid drama and confrontation, she will stand up for herself and those she cares about. Despite being a brainy Ravenclaw, she isn't much for studying and working hard for her grades- she has a tendency to coast on her natural intelligence. Not that she doesn't care about books and learning, she just doesn't see the point in working so hard on something if she can do it without much effort to begin with. One thing she isn't lazy about, however, is Quidditch. She plans on becoming a pro Quidditch player or maybe a herbologist after Hogwarts. If she isn't in her dorm or common room, then you can probably find her in the Quidditch pitch, library, or the greenhouse. Aside from Quidditch, her interests include gardening, herbology, and muggle technology.

Tori Moon ([info]not_sailor) is a 7th year Slytherin. Tori has the unfortunate situation of being materialistic in a family with a lot of kids and not a lot of money. So since she was a kid, she came up with all kinds of moneymaking schemes to get the things that she wanted. It was all little kid stuff, until a few years ago, when she set up a gambling ring and smuggled in contraband items to put up for sale. If your characters need anything that's banned at Hogwarts or anything, she can probably get them some- for a price, of course! Tori was a hot gossip item last year, when she was inadvertantly outed- she was secretly dating one of the few out kids at school, but they always seemed just a little too friendly, and people figured it out. She got dumped by said girlfriend at the end of the year, and was cranky and depressed for most of the summer, but has broken out of it, and is focusing on how best to profit from the events of this year.

Amber Lyons ([info]resinite), is a 7th year Gryffindor and a prefect. She's a muggleborn, and while she's fascinated and enchanted with much of what the wizarding world has to offer, she's less pleased with some of the more questionable aspects of it and seeks to change it, and hopes to do so by going into the Ministry. Her sense of ambition could have gotten her into Slytherin, but maybe she's a little too concerned with ethics to be sorted there. Amber is generally nice, but she's not afraid to call anyone out over overly douchey behavior. She's also not afraid to take away points should a situation call for it. She's not mad with power, however, and doesn't take away points for every tiny infraction. In fact, smaller infractions like dress code related violations and being out only one minute past curfew are likely to only get a warning, provided she doesn't catch you doing it again. She does get pretty tough about stuff like bullying and harassment, though. Amber is no-nonsense and doesn't believe in beating around the bush- she prefers to get right to the point.

If you want plot with any of them, here's the place to discuss it! Also, is there anything important I've missed?

- Crystal

Nov. 7th, 2011


Hiatus Notice

Hey guys,

So I have been hopelessly MIA, thanks to work getting horribly hectic, and me still trying to find that perfect, ever elusive, work-life-RP balance. Which I feel horribly bad about, due to exciting bromance (and strip poker) plots, as well as Frank being a fail-y Halloween date :(

So! I'm going to take a short hiatus, to hopefully get things sorted out nicely, so I can get back to the business of RP again. I just lately haven't been able to muster the inspiration (or energy) to RP, so I figure a break might be good to reinvigorate the ol' brain cells again.

I hope to see you all very shortly!

<3 Michelle

Sep. 30th, 2011


Woe, my darlings.

You get the POUTYFACE icon because tomorrow morning I am heading AWAY from you, the computer and civilization as we know it for the next two days, as I head off to Sports Fest, where I will be playing board games and not sport, because seriously, who does that?

I have no idea if I'll have mobile signal, let alone a place to charge, and the laptop is staying home, so I'll see you on the flip side.

ALSO two random OOC notes:

Sev's full name is SeptimIus. Second "i" in there ;)

Dani's question on the meme ("enjoy the view?") was just me being bored/a tool. She's still very much mortified and trying to act as if she's not. I blame the hivemind of chat. Maybe. If I can.

- Jane
Dani & Sev

Sep. 28th, 2011


Hey guys! I'm flying home for my high school reunion (this should be interesting) this weekend, so here's a rare hiatus from me. I expect I'll pop in here and there if I find the time, but I won't be around much until Tuesday! (But still ask Corrie questions in the meme, please. I'll get to them eventually!)

<3 Emily


Hey all.

I realize I've been very scarce for the past week or so. It wasn't my intention to just sort of disappear without warning. I had a personal issue that likes to rear its ugly head every now and then come to the surface last week, and I've had rather a hard time dealing with it. On top of that, my boss has been extremely demanding and rude for the past few days, so I've been having to focus extra-hard on work to try to do the impossible there. So I'm sorry if you've IMed me lately and I haven't responded, or if you're waiting on my kids to reply to your journal entries or intros; just going through a small rough patch at the moment, nothing to be alarmed about.

I will be back in full force soon, and at partial force even sooner, I hope! I love you all.



Ok, I was MIA for a few days, so someone tell me everything that's going on please!


Mini-hiatus notice

Despite the icon, Frank here is thrilled to have all his working parts back in order and where they should be (:D). I, however, am currently swamped with work, and therefore can't write about it :(

Hopefully things will calm down by the end of the week, so I can catch up on old entries, and post new stuff :)

<3 Michelle

Sep. 27th, 2011


...Still MIA

Sorry guys - just a few more days of this random not being around-ed-ness.

Miss you all!!

♥ Steph/Caer/Tessa

Sep. 23rd, 2011



Hey guys-

I'm pulling a mini-disappearing act for the weekend. Got a bridal shower so I'm going to be there for the weekend. Leaving tomorrow, coming back Sunday or Monday probably but I should be able to get on here and there.

Love you all!!

♥ Steph/Caer/Tessa

Sep. 22nd, 2011



Babydolls, I regret to leave while all the lols are happening but tonight at 10.30pm AEST, I am embarking on a magical journey through a land called ~YooRoop~. Technically, I'll be away from 22 September to 22 October but I'll probably drop in now and again to post a comment or five for Eddie, Jonathan, and Rosalind.

As always, you can send me an email over at shespokelikethesea @ gmail. I will be posting a gigantic amount of stuff on Facebook (I'm on private so send me your details and I'll add you all) and Twitter (twitter.com/pickapart). UM YEAH, let me know if you want my kiddoes to do anything while I'm away!

I WILL MISS YOU ALL VERY MUCH. Have lots of fun and I'll catch up with you all again soon! ♥
