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Nov. 13th, 2011


HELLO, MY DARLINGS! This is Lisa with her third character (gasp! shock! I'm actually playing a male, for the first time in forever), Alphonse Lefebvre (whose name I keep spelling wrong). You can blame Jane for this one! Al is the Seeker for the Beauxbatons team, and he is incredibly shy, especially around the ladies (and the gentlemen, if they happen to be hitting on him). Before going through a growing spurt, he was the scrawny kid with big glasses and a 'Kick Me!' sign permanently attached (figuratively or literally, you decide) to his back, and he grew so used to being bullied that he now keeps mostly to himself, trying to merge into the background, which, he will let you know, is hard now that he's six feet tall.

Beneath those layers of awkward and shy (far beneath), though, there is a spine. Alphonse cares a lot about his teammates, and is a great Seeker. He trains really hard, and is the kind of boy who is ridiculously giving, yet never expects anything in return. In fact, he might be shocked if he receives anything in return, because, as he sees it, people are already paying him whatever favor he might make simply by being his friends. For more information, I’ll direct you to his profile!

SO. Give me your plotz, I demand it! ♥ I’d love for Alphonse to have a friend from Beauxbatons that defended him from bullies before he actually began to learn to fight back (or, at least, to run fast enough not to get caught >.>). I doubt he’s had any past girlfriends, but crushes? People who would try to shove him into lockers? Rivals, friends, enemies? I need it all!


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