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Sep. 13th, 2011


New Blood!

Hi everyone! It's not-mod-Lauren here with my fifth and final character until someone convinces the mods to up the character limit and I inevitably take on another.

This is Elijah Goldstein! Twin brother to Elliot, Ravenclaw Sixth year (I have an addiction to sixth year boys and seventh year girls whose names start with either A or E, apparently) and a former Keeper and Chaser for the Ravenclaw team. He's less of a bookish Ravenclaw and more of a thinker. He's friendly but not overly emotional, and he's full of wicked ideas of things to do for him and Ellie.

If you know Elliot, you probably know Elijah. They are pretty inseparable and when she's around he's a lot more outgoing than when he's alone. He's really protective of his sister and close to her in a way he's never been with anyone else. If you're friends with them, you'll see Eli is a pretty cool guy. People who don't know him well might find him a bit cold/uncaring or aloof. He tends to care very fiercely about his good friends and not at all about people he doesn't know well.

Umm... he probably has not had any super serious relationships in the past, as most girls would not pass the Elliot test (yes there's a test). But he's the type of guy who once he falls for a girl is super loyal and all squee. She'll have to deal with his sister though.

So! Friends? Enemies? All that good stuff!


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