June 2012



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Jan. 15th, 2012



HI EVERYONE! I'm Cilla and as I was checking the contact list, I noticed that I KNOW A LOT OF YOU! Which is super exciting. And I'm even more excited to meet those of you who I don't know! You can find me/friend me at [info]corsair or hit me up on AIM at ohmygodcilla

THIS HERE is Nina Craddick. And to make life easy, here's a few fast facts:
  • She's a Muggleborn from Tinworth, Cornwall (do you see~~ what I did there?) so I imagine she picked up a few childhood friends from her hometown!
  • She's a 7th year Ravenclaw who's not so great at actually studying-studying. She just likes philosophising about things, knowing about useless things (BRING HER ALL THE GOSSIP) and sharing her ~opinion~ on the treatment of everyone and anyone who's not a wizard. She should probably go into politics, but she's kind of too much of a hippy to deal with bureacracy.
  • She doesn't believe in Prefects. Not as in, she doesn't think they exist, she doesn't think they SHOULD exist. She doesn't respect people based on titles and badges, is really what you need to know.
  • SHE'S KIND OF A HIPPY. She wears clothes that her great-grandmother probably used to own, loves animals, etc. She's a little bit weird and she likes it that way.
  • She's not a very good flier and she doesn't like heights.
  • Opinions aside, she's really quite nice and accepting -- even though she doesn't really give a fuck if you think it or not.
  • Her favourite question is, "Why?" and she asks it A LOT. I'm sorry in advance.

    You can read all that and more at her bio. BOOM.

    I'm open for pretty much anything when it comes to Nina, so hit me with your ideas! CHILDHOOD FRIENDS, NEW FRIENDS, PEOPLE SHE KNOWS FROM ONE HER MILLIONS OF CLUBS, PEOPLE SHE PISSED OFF BY BEING A BIT TACTLESS WITH HER OPINION/TIMING, UHHH IDK. Oh and someone should give me a summary of what's going on because I am TOTALLY LOST D:

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