June 2012



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Jan. 24th, 2012


Hi everyone! It's Bronte again with another character ALREADY.

This is Abigail Belby. She's a 6th year Slytherin and new step sister of Magnus Montague, unfortunately. She's super organised and cannot LIVE without her planner. Don't touch her stuff unless you want her to be mad at you! She will notice even if it's only the slightest bit out of place. Also if you want to spend time with her please give her at least three days notice so she can schedule it in. Aside from that, Abby's fairly talkative and enjoys conversing with people. She has a good memory for random facts and so will probably bring up your favourite pet or how your team went in the last quidditch match etc so that you have something to talk about, even if she doesn't really care. She's good at pretending to care. She's in Charms club, cooking club, book club and potions club so if you're also in them she'll probably know you! I think that's about it but her profile is here! and my contact details are still the same if you need me for anything!

Jan. 19th, 2012


HI!! I'm Bronte and this is Evie Anderson!

Evie is a 5th year Hufflepuff! Basically she's SUPER cheerful and friendly and LOUD, loves everything muggle, especially muggle TV shows (she's OBSESSED with them and will reference them A LOT) and is super pro-muggles/muggleborns. Currently she wants to be an ACTRESS when she finishes Hogwarts, but is also starting to consider scriptwriting as an option, she just wishes wizards had TVs! She has a tendency to be melodramatic, lives in her own fantasy world most of the time and doesn't put any effort into any of her classes except for muggle studies. She's in the HILF, Film and Choir clubs. She pretty much likes EVERYONE except for purists, who she HATES and thinks are STUPID. Her profile is here and her fact sheet is here!

I can be found at brontosaurus2 for aim or brontesaurus4791@gmail.com if you want to contact me and my cdj is [info]brontesaurus  and I always like new cdj friends if you want to add me!
