June 2012

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June 19th, 2012

[info]feintedmods in [info]feintedooc

Dear everyone,

Can we just say: WOW. We feel so privileged to have been host to this game. You have made it so much more than we dreamed it would be when we were first thinking it up about a year ago, and for that we are grateful from the bottom of our hearts. It is so very bittersweet to watch this game come to a close: bitter because it has meant a great deal to all of us, and sweet because it is extremely satisfying to see something through to the end. Thank you, deeply, for all of yourselves that you have poured into this game, and for all the friendships we've made along the way. This was truly something special.

Our new game is open to you for holds a few days early. It is called Feigning, and you can read all about the premise there. You have first dibs on your current characters and/or their PBs, though we do want to point out that the tournament will not be canon at the new game, and per our character limit, you may play 2 wizards and 2 Muggles. Any other questions you might have, please let us know! We will open up holds to the general public on Saturday, June 23, and if you haven't held a character/PB by that time, we cannot guarantee they will be available.

We will ask that any new posts or threads go up by today, and that you wrap up your threads by Sunday.

Much love to you all. You know where to find us!
Alison & Lauren
