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Sep. 13th, 2011


activity check

Hey guys! I know we said we wouldn't be doing activity check, but this game got bigger faster than we intended, and it's proven to be difficult to keep track of everyone so we've decided to do an activity check of sorts. While it is required, there's no punishment for not being active provided that you respond; we're not going to kick you out or give you a week to update or something if you haven't. This is more of a way to check in with all of you rather than a warning.

So for each character, please respond with a link to the most recent journal entry or thread AND comment thread in response to someone else's entry just so we know you've been posting. These should be things that were started before this check (9/13). If you haven't been as active with a character, don't sweat it. We understand that real life gets in the way, so if you've been busy, just tell us! Or if you haven't posted with a character because of a lack of plot, we'll try to help you get more involved. We're flexible so if, say, you've been commenting a lot but just forgot to post a journal entry or if you don't have something from within the past two weeks, but post something later this week, just let us know and show us links.

All comments are screened. Please try to respond within the next few days. Thanks!

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